25| Electricity

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Chapter 25: Electricity (Evelyn's POV)

I had been sitting by the pool by myself for at least thirty minutes. Archer had to go back inside, his parents had called him urgently. I sighed, lying down on the grass. I was just lying there with my eyes closed as the sun shone on my face. I opened my eyes when I could feel the sunlight being blocked. 


I sat up quickly, looking back at him. "H-hi," I stuttered. 

"Hi," he said softly. "Can I get a minute?" 

I hesitated, nodding slowly. 

He sat down beside me, hugging his knees. "Can I at least explain how everything happened, Evelyn?" 

"Nothing that you say can excuse what you did," I shook my head. 

"I'm not trying to justify my actions. I'm just trying to explain them." 

It's the same goddamn thing. 

"Go ahead," I sighed. 

He cleared his throat. "Her name is Abigail." 

I stared down at the water, trying not to react. At least I don't know her, it would be much worse if I did. 

"My mother knows hers and she's the one who introduced us." 

I should have known. I don't know what it is with the mothers of the guys I like. They just don't like me. The two I have liked so far anyway. 

"Our mothers want us to get married in a few years." 

My breathing and heart both stopped momentarily. 

"And... I didn't start thinking about it until I realized that the prince had started coming down to Cherie just to see you. I overheard him talking to his father. They wanted him to marry a normal girl and one of the council members suggested your name, I think." 

"Can you just tell me why you did it, Lucas? I know why I'm at the palace," I huffed, scratching my eyebrow. 

"I didn't do anything with her, Evelyn."


"You kissed her. You didn't see me but I saw you. And her. Very clearly that night under the bridge." 

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "She kissed me." 

"Did you push her off, Lucas?" 

He stayed silent. 

I was just getting angry now. 

"We had been stuck in the same spot for an entire year, Evelyn. We weren't moving forward, we were just standing still. I... I needed more from the relationship and you weren't willing to give it to me." 

"You could have left me. Broken up. But you cheated." I pulled my legs out of the water and stood up, pulling my flip flops on. 

"Evelyn," he sighed, looking up at me. 

I rolled my eyes, turning to walk back inside. And regardless, if someone sees us it will cause a lot of problems. 

"Evelyn, I still love you." 

I closed my eyes, taking a breath before turning back to him. "You never did." I turned around and made my way inside. I started making my way upstairs and was about to open the door to my room when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, dragging me into Archer's room. I gasped, in surprise but my breathing evened out when I saw him. "What are you doing?" I asked in confusion. 

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