37| Soul

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Chapter 37: Soul (Evelyn's POV)

I was standing there while Chloe paced in front of me, describing the kinds of dresses she likes so I could understand her taste and preferences a little better. 

I rolled my eyes, getting tired of her blabbering. I straightened up, feeling arms wrap around me from behind. 

"Hi," he whispered in my ear. 

I put my hands where he held my waist and looked back at him. Chloe was too focused on her rambling so I was able to steal a kiss. 

"I just came here to let you know..." he paused. "We have a date tonight." 

"What?" I chuckled, keeping my voice down. 

She's so clueless. 

"Mr. Albert is hosting a party to announce that his daughter is about to have a baby. He invited all of us, I just happened to not tell anybody," he mumbled the last bit. 

I chuckled, listening. 

"So instead of everyone, you and I are going. It's fancy so, I'm sorry in advance for the heels, don't worry, you'll walk just fine in them." 

"Yeah, Caroline gave me a few lessons," I laughed. 

"We'll leave at seven, hmm?" 

I nodded, looking back at him. 

"Can I steal you?" he whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear, sending shivers down my spine. 

I shook my head, smiling to myself. 

He sighed in defeat, pecking my cheek and then leaving. 

I looked around, hoping no one saw that but the backyard was open and Lucas was right there working on the rose bush near the door. I know he saw it because of the look he gave me. Like he was disappointed. Like I was doing something wrong. I didn't pay much attention to it and got back to Chloe with her sweetheart necklines. 

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

I stared at the two dresses that Caroline and Mila had recommended. Apparently, Archer had told them to cover for us at the table so they knew and were eager to help. "Red is classic," Mila argued. 

"But she's not meant to be looking merely classic, the rose gold silk is perfect!" Caroline whined. 

I sighed, hanging both the dresses back up and grabbing the black one that had initially caught my eye. Apparently, it was too simple but O think they're forgetting that I'm not going to a ball, I'm going to a party. I don't have to look fancy, I just have to look good. 

"Evelyn!" they whined in sync when I pulled out the black dress. 

"Black is always reliable, all right?" I waved them off and hung up the dress on the closet door before throwing my hair up. 

"Can I do your makeup?" Caroline asked, grinning at me. 

"And I'll do your hair," Mila offered. 

"Okay, go ahead," I chuckled, sitting at the vanity in my bathrobe while they both started working their magic. 

I was mumbling to myself, thinking about how tonight would go. He's taking me on a date to a party as his date. Does that mean we're together together? I don't know. 

I checked myself in the mirror and made sure I was set for the night before spraying perfume, the vanilla one he likes, all over myself and then flicking the lights off, opening the door to my room, smiling when I saw him standing right there, ready to knock on my door. 

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