42| Recap

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Chapter 42: Recap (Archer's POV)

She is so mad at me. She's fuming, I just know it. I can feel it. It's in her body language, it's in her words, it's even in the kiss. She hates me. Oh my god, she hates me. 

I know I should have told her, but the only reason I didn't was because I didn't want her to misunderstand anything. I was going to tell her when I had figured out how to because I didn't want to say something stupid, her to misunderstand and then hate me forever and leave me. That's what I didn't want. For her to leave me. 

She did kiss me back. But not the way she usually does. It wasn't the same, I could sense the fury and the hurt she was feeling and it made me feel incredibly guilty. As I should, I suppose. 

She pulled back, turning her head the other way while staring down at the ground. I hate knowing that she can't even look at me. She's really that hurt. 


"I'm not coming back downstairs," she mumbled, stepping around me with her dress flowing behind her. She went and sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her heels off before stopping and then looking around. She sighed, standing up to leave and go into her own room. 

"Evelyn," I grabbed her wrist. 

"No, not now," she sniffled before opening the door and then going out, closing the door behind her. 

I sighed, leaning my head against the door, wishing I could bash it into the door instead. My fist hit the wall a few times with more force each time. I opened my door when I was a little more composed and knocked on hers. No answer. "Evelyn?" I called out. 

The door opened and she stood there. She hadn't changed or taken her makeup off or anything. Only her heels were off. 

"Can I just talk to you? Please?" 

She sighed, stepping aside and letting me in. "What?" she asked, walking over to her vanity and starting to take her earrings off. 

"Evelyn, you know I didn't kiss her." 

"You mentioned that, yes, so?" 

"So, how is this my fault?" 

She swiveled around to face me. "You think I'm angry because you two kissed?" 

"No. I know you're angry because I didn't tell you, but don't you understand why I didn't tell you?" I sighed, walking over to her. 

"Whatever the reason is, it doesn't matter. You're supposed, to be honest with me." 

"I was going to tell you, Evelyn, I swear. But I didn't know how to do it without you getting so upset, starting to hate me, and then leave. I couldn't bring myself to risk that, I just couldn't." 

"Is this any better then?" She arched a brow at me. 

"No," I shook my head. "But I..." I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Evelyn, I just didn't want to hurt you. I thought if I told you right away, you wouldn't understand. I thought you would blame me and then leave, I couldn't imagine letting that happen." 

"So tell me now," she shrugged. "Give me a recap." 

"A recap?" 

"From A to Z. What happened?" 


"Tell me. You have to," she shrugged again. 

"I was sleeping with you and then in the middle of the night, she... Evelyn-" 

"Tell me!" she snapped. 

I sighed in defeat. "In the middle of the night, she knocked on the door. And again. And again, until I answered it. I went outside with her so you wouldn't wake up from the noise. And she told me..." 

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