49| Yes

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Chapter 49: Yes (Evelyn's POV)

I was brushing my teeth after just changing into my pajamas when the door opened and Archer came in. He just stood there, looking at me. I couldn't tell if that's what he came to do or if he came to do something else and has forgotten what it was. I finished brushing my teeth before turning to him. 

"I could have been naked," I said. 

"Yeah, um. Unfortunately, you weren't."

I rolled my eyes, turning to leave but he continued to block my way. "Are we sleeping in the bathroom tonight? What are you doing?" I laughed when he picked me up and seated me on the counter. 

"Do you have a dress for the engagement party yet?" he asked, standing between my legs. 

I shook my head, "My mom is making it, I'm not allowed to see it until she's finished. It's meant to be a surprise." 

"Then I suppose I'll have to ask your mother for the color of my tie," he sighed. 

I shrugged. "Isn't your suit navy blue?" 

He nodded. 

"Then my dress probably matches that," I stated. 

"All right," he mumbled while putting my hair over my shoulders. 

"I'm tired," I whined. "Can we go to sleep?" 

"Give me a kiss first." I leaned up, quickly pecking his lips. "Mm-mm," he shook his head. "A real kiss." 

"Was that one fake?" I asked sarcastically. 

He chuckled, nodding before stepping closer. He tilted my chin up and we were about to kiss when... 


I sighed, pushing him back slowly before hopping off and coming out into my room just as my mother came in. "Yes?" I asked. 

"I just came to let you know, we're working late tomorrow, hmm? We won't be back in time for dinner." 

"Why?" I frowned in confusion. 

"Well, because I need to let you try the dress on. It'll be finished by tomorrow morning, then we'll just alter it." 

"Can't we do my fitting on another day?" I am so confused, we have the whole week ahead of us, why is she rushing it? 

"No, I'll be too busy making dresses for the other girls. Tomorrow, hmm?" 

"All right," I shrugged. And then she left. I didn't think much about it and just blew it off, turning around to get in bed, seeing Archer come out of the bathroom while pulling his shirt off. 

He pulled it off with one hand and then tossed it on the floor beside the right side, where he would sleep. I watched him suspiciously. He's acting weird. He sat down and then looked up at me in confusion. "What?" he chuckled. 

"You're acting weird," I said while walking over, lying on my stomach beside him, my legs rocking back and forth in the air. 

"I'm not acting weird, you're thinking too much about it." He leaned back against the headboard, taking my hand and playing with my fingers. 

"What are you thinking of doing, Archer?" I laughed. 

"Nothing, I promise," he laughed with me, pulling me up to straddle him. 

"I trust you," I chuckled, brushing his hair out of his eyes. 

"I love you," he smiled. 

"I love you." I pecked his cheek while he still lay asleep in bed. 

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