29| Chase

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Chapter 29: Chase (Evelyn's POV)

"Okay, don't be upset now, please? I-" 

He pulled his arm out of my grasp and started walking. 


He ignored me and kept walking. 

I huffed, narrowing my eyes at his back and following him slowly. I know what he's doing. 

He's been chasing me ever since he saw me. He's been wanting me and running after me since then. He may have had enough of it now. I suppose it's my turn now. To chase him. And everyone always enjoys the chase, he will too. I know I enjoyed it. 

I sighed, following him downstairs. He didn't pull out my chair for me like he normally does, so I grabbed it for myself and sat beside him. When all the others joined us, we all ate while talking. I turned to him after my conversation with Caroline ended. 

"Archer," I mumbled, turning to look at him. 

He ignored me and continued with his breakfast. I nudged his elbow with mine and he pulled his free hand off the table. I resisted a groan and continued eating in silence. When everyone finally left the table, including us, we headed upstairs. 

He opened the door to his room to go inside but I grabbed his hand before he could and pulled him into my room. He huffed, letting me drag him inside. I shut the door behind him, pushing him against it. 

He looked down at me with a blank look. 

"You don't think you're doing too much? That too, unnecessarily?" 

He stared at me emotionlessly. 

"I already said I was sorry," I whined. As it turns out, the chase is only fun when you're the one being chased. Not when you're the one chasing. 

"Anything else?" he asked. His face was blank but I could easily read the amusement in his eyes. He is enjoying this way too much. 

I stared at him for a minute, sighing. "Would you like to go for a swim?" 

He looked at me in confusion, nodding hesitantly. 

"All right, I shall see you in five minutes?" 

"All right," he agreed doubtfully, eyeing me suspiciously. 

I chuckled, opening the door for him. He kept eyeing me warily while walking out. I blew him a kiss and he shook his head, turning to his door. I just happened to catch the ghost of a smile on his lips. 

I grabbed the same bikini that Caroline gave to me and then went and changed, pulling the same shorts and cardigan on top. I threw my hair up in a bun and put sunblock on before wearing flip flops. I knew Archer didn't wait for me because I heard his door closing and footsteps fading while I was pulling my shorts on, so when I opened the door, I just headed downstairs, running into Candace on the way. 

"Oh, are you going swimming?" she asked. 

Here I was, hoping it could just be Archer and me. I guess not. I nodded faintly. 

She grinned before walking away. 

I ran downstairs and outside, putting my stuff on the bar/counter by the pool. I shrugged the cardigan off and then pulled my shorts down, seeing him standing against the edge with his back to me. I went and sat beside him, dipping my legs in before sliding into the pool. 

He looked anywhere but at me. 

I stood in front of him, resting my arms around his neck. 

He pulled my arms down, waiting for me to say something. 

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