35| Theatre

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Chapter 35: Theatre (Evelyn's POV)

I was sitting in my bed, reading a book I stole from Archer. I was getting sleepy and was about to doze off when... 

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" 

I jumped, my hand flying to my chest, the book falling in my lap. I sat still for a minute. 

"You cannot do this to me!" 

I shot out of bed, opening the door, and running down the hall, stopping at the staircase. 

"Carol, calm down," Archer said, sputtering out a small laugh. 

"You're laughing? You're laughing, really? Is this a joke to you? You are unbelievable!" she yelled. 

I put my hand over my mouth, resting my elbows on the railing and watching. 

"What the hell is going on?" 

I looked beside me, seeing Caroline, Mila, and Candace all coming downstairs after the rude awakening. 

I can't believe they all were already asleep. 

"Chaos," I said, turning back to the scene unfolding in front of us. 

Carol started screaming at the top of her lungs, shaking her head, refusing to leave, pushing Archer around even. 

"God, do we need to call an exorcist or something for her?" Mila mumbled. 

I bit back a laugh at her sarcasm and turned back to Archer and Carol. Carol took a threatening step closer to Archer and he continued trying to coax her into listening and understanding him. She gave him a hard push and he put his hands up in surrender, taking a step back to increase the distance between them. 

"Calm down, please just calm down! You have to understand, there has been no communication between us, I know nothing about you. It makes no sense for you to stay, please, I don't mean to disrespect you, please, I'm sorry!" he exclaimed. 

"You're sorry? Oh, you're sorry, are you?" she scoffed. 

He pinched the bridge of his nose, taking in a slow deep breath. I stood upright, sensing his anger and agitation building up from all the way over here. She began yelling at him once again and he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He spun around, mumbling curses at the ceiling. He looked up, his eyes meeting mine. 

'What the fuck?' he mouthed. He never swears. 

I gave him a reassuring nod. 

He himself explained to me how he has to do this, there is no way out of it. He just has to tell her and make her understand, there isn't another choice. 

"How the hell is she so good at being so dramatic?" Caroline mumbled. 

"She took theatre in high school and then got a degree for it at NYU," Candace shrugged. 

We all turned to her, shocked. None of us knew that. Literally none. 

"Whoa," I mumbled. 

Degree at NYU? 

"She does theatre, that's why," Mila snorted. 

I smacked her arm. "That's impressive, Mila, shut up," I chuckled. I mean, she's not wrong. I'm sure after studying theatre for so long she has naturally become more dramatic. 

"I'm going back to sleep," Caroline huffed, turning around and going back upstairs to their rooms. Mila and Candace left after a few minutes as well. I felt like I was intruding, this is probably only harder for both of them with me here. But I think she doesn't know I'm here in the first place. 

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