32| You

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Chapter 32: You (Archer's POV)

I woke up the next morning to Evelyn who was fast asleep beside me. She was completely knocked out, her hand clutching mine tightly as she lay on her stomach. Her hair had fallen over her eyes so I brushed that back and turned onto my side, staring at her. She shuffled, turning onto her side and scooting closer to me, her leg going over mine. 

I smiled to myself, running my fingers through her hair. 

I think I've fallen for her. 

She groaned before rubbing her eyes open and looking up at me, confusion written on her face. She stared at me in thought for a minute before blinking. "Are you all right?" she asked, holding my cheek while her thumb stroked my cheek. 

"Because of you, yes," I nodded. 

Her lips formed a small pout while she frowned in confusion. 

"You made sure I was all right. It's you, it's because of you," I mumbled. 

She sighed, scooting closer and putting her arm around my torso. "I hated seeing you like that," she mumbled, closing her eyes. "Have you heard from your mother?" she asked, looking up at me. 

I nodded, "She called earlier this morning. She's perfectly okay. They'll be back in a few days." 

"Thank God," she sighed in relief. "What time is it?" she asked, looking around the room. 

"Nearly ten." 

She gasped, "Breakfast!" 

"Nobody cares," I whispered. 

"Everyone definitely knows that we-" 

"Are together? Yes, anything else?" 

She stared at me in confusion. "What if someone tells your mother?" she asked. 

"Then it's the truth," I shrugged. 

"We should get dressed for the day," she suggested. 

"I don't feel like getting out of bed today," I whined, putting my arms around her waist. 

"Why? What's wrong?" she asked, stroking my cheek. 

"I'm still a little..." I trailed off, shaking my head. 

"Sad?" she asked softly. 

I nodded, staring at the wall blankly. 

"That's okay," she mumbled, holding me tighter, putting her head on my chest. 

I kissed the top of her head, both of us just lay there in silence for a while. 

"We should still freshen up, I'll come right back, all right? I should change," she mumbled, pulling away. 

I grabbed her wrist, yanking her back. 

She looked up at me expectantly. 

"Just stay a while, just a little longer, please," I mumbled. 

"Two minutes, I'll just brush my teeth," she bargained. 

I begrudgingly let her go and went into my own bathroom. I brushed my teeth and splashed some water on my face before climbing back into bed. I lay there, staring out of the window. 

A while later, my door opened and she walked back in wearing a cardigan over her pajamas with her hair thrown up in a bun. She rubbed her eyes while walking over, climbing back into bed beside me. She shifted closer, putting her arm around me while I put one around her. "Are you still sleepy?" she asked, tucking her hair behind her ear. Her cardigan fell off her shoulder so I started tracing her skin, my fingers moving along her upper arm. 

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