33| Value

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Chapter 33: Value (Evelyn's POV)

The next three days went by slowly. The whole time, Archer was feeling a little down. 

And my heart broke for him each time. I hated seeing him so upset but I also knew that the only thing that could really make him feel any better was actually seeing his grandmother. I tried helping as much as I could with words. And kisses. 

We were currently up in his room, I was helping him re-organize his bookcase when there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in!" he called out.

Mr. Bruce came in. "Your majesty." He bowed his head. "Your parents have arrived." 

He froze, looking at me in shock. 

"Go, what are you waiting for?" I chuckled, taking the book from his hand. 

"Come with me." He grabbed my hand. 

I followed him out, both of us rushing to get downstairs. 

When we got to the doors, his parents were making sure all their stuff was being brought in and his grandmother was back to herself, glaring at her daughter-in-law and barking orders. 


She looked over, walking over. She was grinning and started to say something but he didn't give her a second. 

He hugged her quickly and tightly. 

She sighed, patting his back. "I'm not dead yet," she scoffed. 

"Grandma," he said scoldingly, pulling back to look at her. 

"Don't be a baby," she clicked her tongue while wiping his cheek. "I am perfectly okay, as good as new," she patted his arm while turning to me. 

"Lady Beatr-" 

"Call me grandma, please," she smiled, pulling me into a hug. 

I was stunned, to say the least. I knew she liked me but I didn't think she would react like this upon seeing me. I didn't think I had that much value in her eyes. I smiled, pulling back. 

She went back to making sure all her stuff had been brought in before turning to us while the other girls came in. They all greeted them all. I realized nobody else knew about her heart attack. 

"Lady Beatrice, how was your trip?" Chloe grinned, trying to play nice. 

Archer and I exchanged a look. 

"Could have been better," she scoffed. "Archer, Evelyn." 

We both straightened up. 

"I need to speak to you two, come with me."

"Perhaps I could-" Chloe started off. 

"I said Archer and Evelyn," his grandmother snapped. 

Chloe sighed in agitation and kept quiet while we followed Lady Beatrice into her bedroom. As soon as she closed the doors, she sighed in complete exhaustion. She swayed a little on her feet and we grabbed her immediately, taking a hold of her arms. 

"Are you all right? Should I call someone?" Archer asked quickly, both of us helping her to the bed. 

"Oh no, no. I'm just exhausted from the journey," she sighed, lying down, propping her head up against the headboard. She closed her eyes momentarily while we stood beside her. 

He put his hands behind his back and his fingers were digging into his fisted palms when I looked. I grabbed his hand, bringing it forward and he relaxed. 

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