23| Bloom

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Chapter 23: Bloom (Evelyn's POV)

"Archer, dear, focus," Lady Beatrice laughed. 

I chuckled, looking at her and then back at him. 

Still staring. 

"Archer," I mumbled, looking at him. 

"I'm trying," he sighed. 

"To?" I whispered. 

"Stop staring." He cleared his throat and blinked a few times, quite literally shaking his head to bring himself out of his daze. 

"We'll take a short break," the photographer stifled a laugh and walked away. 

"You've been getting pictures taken for nearly an hour, I think you need the short break," I chuckled, turning to leave but he grabbed my arm. 

"Not from you. Clearly," he mumbled, looking me up and down for the billionth time. His eyes met mine and he let out a quick breath. "Hello." 

"Hi," I smiled, my mind automatically flashing back to last night. 

"I'm sorry," he said quickly. 

I frowned in confusion. 

"I don't have words to describe how beautiful you look right now. I... I don't..." His cheeks got relatively pink while he scratched the nape of the neck. 

"All right, we don't have all day, sweethearts. Let's go," the photographer came back, flicking the lights back on and blinding us both. 

I squinted, trying not to look directly at the light. 

"Okay, we'll follow through with all the same poses that we did with the other girls. Then we'll see if we require more," he instructed. 

We followed the same poses. My back to his chest, standing side by side, and then we both sat down, took some like that. 

"Can we have you standing behind her, Prince Archer? And then one with her behind you." 

I stayed seated, making sure my dress was flowing to the ground while straightening up my back. 

Archer stood behind me, taking his hands out of his pockets while clearing his throat. 

"A little to your left, sir. And now kneel." 

"Kneel? Why would-" 

"Arabella, keep quiet," his grandmother hissed. 

He chuckled, kneeling down. I looked over my shoulder at him, biting back a laugh of my own. 



"Who do you think would win in a race?" he whispered. 

An image of both women running in a field flashed across my mind, making me laugh loudly. 

He laughed with me and multiple clicks were heard. 

"Okay, the other way please." We switched places and I looked at the photographer. 

"Do I kneel?" I chuckled. 

"Of course not, ma'am," he chuckled. "Please simply put your arms around him, perhaps your hands on his shoulders, and lean down beside his ear." 

I hesitantly followed the instructions I was being given. 

"Prince Archer, look her way." 

He turned his head to me and my breath hitched at the proximity. He rolled his tongue along the inside of his cheek and smiled. "It would take less than an inch for us to kiss," he whispered. 

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