6| Torture

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Chapter 6: Torture (Archer's POV)

Okay, at least she's not with somebody, so I may have some hope. 

"Wait a minute," she blurted out randomly as we walked. "You don't like being a part of royalty?" 

"You're still stuck on that?" I laughed. 

She shrugged meekly. "I've just never seen a royal who doesn't like their lifestyle." 

"Well, there's a first time for everything," I replied. 

"I guess," she mumbled. "So, you don't like the royal life but you follow through with it?" 

"Don't I have to?" 

"Even for marriage?" she looked at me quizzically. "I mean, you're willing to marry someone you don't know just because that's what you're expected to do? That doesn't sound very... fun," she mumbled, probably trying to sound nice. 

"You know, I genuinely think royalty is just... torture." 


"Torture." I nodded. "You know, I don't think love is made for people with royal blood." 

"Why do you say that?" she asked, frowning lightly. 

"Because I don't know any royal who chose the person they're now married to. That doesn't mean you can't fall in love with who you've married, but... you know that's still not someone you chose to marry. It just happened." 

"Well, you get to choose now, don't you?" she asked, shooting me a pointed look. 

"Yes, but I haven't got much time. So really, do I?" 

She narrowed her eyes at me, "God, you seem very normal. It's weird." 

"Are you always like this or are you trying to make me dislike you?" 

"Always like what?" 

"So shameless?" 

"Well, is it working?" she asked, raising her brows. 

I laughed, shaking my head, "No, sorry." 

"Darn it," she said, rolling her eyes. 

God, what the hell is she? 

"Well, I don't want to keep your mother waiting. Perhaps we can meet another time? Somewhere that's not the palace?" 

She let out a small laugh, hesitantly nodding. "All right. But this doesn't mean I'll marry you, nor is it a date, okay, your majesty?" 

I raised my eyebrows at her, surprised at the orders she was barking. "All right, Ms. Harrington," I chuckled, leading her back inside. "See you around," I smiled. 

"See you around," she shrugged, leaving with her mother minutes later. 

When I turned back around, my mother was standing there looking at me with eyes full of suspicion. 

"Mother," I nodded while walking past her and upstairs. 


I halted, letting out a frustrated sigh. 

She's about to make me do what I've been avoiding all morning. Meeting all the princesses. 

I turned around, going back downstairs. 

"The princesses will be coming any minute. Be ready to meet them," she ordered. 

"Yes, mother," I sighed. I stood there, using my phone and looking through some requests that I had for interviews in my mail. I answered some of them, scheduling them before tucking my phone back into my pocket while my mother led the five girls downstairs. I cleared my throat, while the first girl walked up to me. 

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