39| Match

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Chapter 39: Match (Evelyn's POV)

I woke up the next morning when the sun started peeking through the blinds. I whined, turning over onto the other side, slowly squinting my eyes open. 

Archer was lying right there beside me. And I thought he would also be waking up or still be asleep, but he was wide awake and looked like he had been for a while. A beam of sunlight was hitting him straight in the face, brightening it up while his eyes looked absolutely beautiful. They looked like the perfect mix of the green and blue that they are. And he was looking right at me. 

"What are you doing?" I laughed, hiding my face behind my hands, turning over onto my stomach, and putting my face in the pillow. 

"I'm looking," he chuckled, tucking my hair behind my ear before slowly starting to run his fingers through my hair. 

"At what?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbows. 

"At how pretty you look in the mornings," he mumbled. 

I laughed softly, lying on my side and scooting closer to him, putting my face in the crook of his neck. "I hate how you're trying to fluster me as soon as I wake up," I chuckled. 

"I don't do this every day," he retorted. 

"So why is today special?" I asked, pulling back to look at him. 

"Because you look exceptional in my shirt," he answered. 

Last night, before I went to freshen up and change in my room, I snatched a t-shirt from his closet and wore that with one of the silk shorts. And I can say, his shirts are definitely more comfortable than silk tops. I stayed in his room because he made sure I did. He came back and quite literally picked me up and dragged me out of my room and into his and I didn't bother sneaking out once he was asleep. 

"Have we missed breakfast? Again?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair, pushing it back. 

"I'm afraid so," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. 

"Fantastic," I said sarcastically. 

"I have to get dressed," I sighed, throwing the covers off and standing up to leave and get ready. 

"No!" he yelled loudly. 

I gasped, flinching at how loud he was while he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back down. "Jesus, oh my God, why are you yelling?" I laughed, falling back into my spot beside him. 

"Cause you can't go," he said through gritted teeth, wrapping his arms around me tightly and putting his head in the crook of my neck. 

"What are you doing?" I laughed, my head resting on the back of his head. 

"Mm-mm." He shook his head, snuggling in closer to me. 

"I have to get ready though," I whined, biting back a laugh. 

"No," he mumbled. 




"No," he said, biting my neck gently. 

I laughed, smacking his arm and he stopped. 

He lifted his head to look up at me. He was pretty much lying on top of me and even with the weight, I didn't mind. His hair was incredibly messy, falling over his eyes slightly while he stared at me, his lips mere inches from mine. 

"What?" I asked, smiling softly. 

He didn't say anything, just quickly pressed his lips to mine. We weren't making out, he just had his lips against mine for a minute. He pulled back and looked back at me. 

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