27| Disease

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Chapter 27: Disease (Evelyn's POV)

"Were you jealous?" 

I froze, hearing that question. "No, why would I be jealous?" I scoffed, walking over to the small desk I had and taking my phone from there, replying to my mother's text. 

She had some questions about the arrangement of dresses at the store. 

I put it back down and turned around to climb into bed but there he was, standing right behind me. I took in a sharp breath. "W-what?" I asked. 

"You were jealous," he whispered with a small smile, backing me up against the table. 

"No," I lied. "Why would I be?" 

"The same reason I was when you were talking to him today," he mumbled. 

"And what was the reason?" I asked. 

"Because I want you to be only mine," he shrugged. 

"Talking to someone doesn't mean I'm theirs. Being in a bedroom with someone is very different," I said, pulling myself up on the desk. 

He smiled, looking down at my lips while stepping closer. "I agree. If I saw you with him in a bedroom, you don't want to know what I would do. But the facts remain. You were jealous," he smirked. 

I rolled my eyes. "Jealousy is a disease." I'm scoffing at my own words right now, I sound so... annoyingly bitchy. "Do I look sick to you?" 

He chuckled, probably surprised at my demeanor. 

I don't ever act like this. I never did with Lucas. But right now I'm being... possessive, demanding, god knows what else. My voice is even lower than usual. It's bordering sultry. Ew, why am I acting like this? 

Was I really that jealous? 

It's like I have a sudden urge to now play hard to get. Like I want him to want only me. So I'm pulling away and I'm pulling him in. That is exactly what I'm doing. And I don't mean to, but I'm doing it very consciously. 

"Jealousy is a disease," he nodded. "And you don't look sick to me." 

I shrugged while he stepped closer, spreading my knees apart and standing between my legs. I held my breath. 

"You look sexy though." 

My jaw nearly fell at his choice of words. 

"Wow, silk sets really get you, don't they?" I asked. 

He chuckled deeply, making my stomach flutter. "Evelyn." His voice got really low and it literally sent chills down my spine. "Are you trying to make me lose control and kiss you senseless?" 

I swallowed, staring at him. "I'm trying to go to sleep. Please move." Yeah, not so sultry and dominating now, am I? 

It's not for me. I just know it. I can never be the dominant one. 

"You cannot get away with this so easily." 

"I wasn't expecting you to be here when I came out of the bathroom. Your grandmother sent me new clothes. I thought I'd wear one set tonight," I shrugged. 

His grandmother did send me new clothes, that's true. But the part about me not expecting him is a lie. 

"Fantastic decision," he nodded, staring at my lips. 

"Right," I said slowly. "Why don't you go to your room? Get ready for bed and then go to sleep. And I will see you tomorrow morning, hmm?" 

"Or how about I just stay the night with you?" 

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