48| Pearls

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Chapter 48: Pearls (Archer's POV)

My first week of staying with Evelyn and her family went by in the blink of an eye. And after a lot of pleading, begging, following her around the house, and flirting with her shamelessly in front of her parents, she finally caved in and forgave me for not telling her what happened with Chloe. 

"I have to go to Cherie," she said, patting my arm and trying to get out of bed. 

"No," I mumbled, pulling her closer from her waist. 

"Yes, I've got work to do," she chuckled. 

I whined, throwing one leg over both her legs. "Five more minutes." 

She laughed, "You said that an hour ago when my mother was leaving." Her nails traced up and down my arm slowly, soothingly. "I have to shower," she whispered. 

I groaned, biting her shoulder. She laughed while shrieking, squeezing my arm. I kissed her shoulder before letting her go. She got out of bed, straightened out my shirt that she slept in, and then went into her bathroom. I continued lying there for a while, getting up after around ten minutes. I went into the bathroom, knocking before I entered. 

"What?" she asked, sticking her head out from behind the shower curtain. 

"I have to brush my teeth." 

"Go in the guest bathroom," she nodded. 

"No, my stuff is here," I said, grabbing my toothbrush. 

"Archer." She clicked her tongue. 

I smirked to myself while putting the toothpaste on my brush and then starting to brush my teeth. She gave up and closed the curtain, making sure it wasn't open at the end. Once I finished freshening up, I was about to leave. "Evelyn." 



She stuck her head out. "Yes?" 

I leaned forward, stealing a kiss. She was smiling when I pulled away. "Are you coming with me today?" she asked. I shook my head, making her brows furrowed in confusion. "Where are you going?" 

"I have some stuff to do at the palace. Family stuff, don't worry. I'll come back here for dinner." 

"And lunch?" she asked, sounding hopeful. 

"I'll drop by Cherie to eat with you." 

She grinned in response. "Kiss," she demanded. 

I leaned forward, kissing her again before leaving. I showered and got dressed in the guest room and then met her downstairs. What do you know, Evelyn can cook but she hates it. I can cook and I don't mind it, so I've been making breakfast when we're last to leave her house. 

Staying here with her has been so much better than staying at the palace. We have our privacy, we can do things as we please and at our own pace, it makes things so much better. I'm really contemplating that New York fantasy we have. Maybe we should go through with it. 

She walked over, sitting on the countertop while I flipped the french toast. I turned the stove off as I finished, putting them onto a plate. I put the plate beside her, both of us waiting for the french toasts to cool down for a while. She rocked her legs back and forth while flipping her braid over her shoulders. 


"Hmm?" She turned her attention to me while I moved over, standing between her legs. 

"What's your favorite stone?" 

She looked at me knowingly. I know she knows why I'm asking. I know she knows it's going to happen. But I can't do anything about that now. "Guess," she smirked. 

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