34| Farewell

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Chapter 34: Farewell (Archer's POV)

I was sitting beside my grandma's bed right before dinner because she called for me. 

"Why? I don't understand," I huffed. 

"Archer, you won't marry all of them!" 

"No, I'll marry Evelyn but..." I groaned, running my hand through my hair. 

"You have to send someone home, sweetheart. Someone who has no hope and no scope with you. It's time to bid farewell to someone," she chuckled. 

"But I don't want to bid farewell to someone," I whined. "It's a lot of pressure, whoever I tell is going to hate me." 

"Some things just have to be done, Archer. Tell me, who do you dislike the most?" 

"Chloe," I shrugged. "But I doubt my mother would let me send her back." 

"So choose someone who you've spoken to the least. Who doesn't make an effort," she countered. 

"Carol," I mumbled. 

"Tell her tonight, good luck. Now come. We have dinner to attend," she patted my cheek before I stood up and then helped her up, taking her downstairs. 

We got downstairs where Evelyn already was. She was sitting near my father, talking to him. I got to my chair, sitting beside her while my father helped my grandma in her seat. She turned to me with a small smile. "Hi." 

"Hi," I mumbled, leaning my head back on the chair. 

"Oh no, what's wrong?" she asked softly. 

I turned my head to look at her. I sighed, grabbing her hand under the table while everyone else arrived downstairs. My eyes fell down to her lips and I leaned in instinctively. 

She pulled back quickly. "What are you doing? Your mother is going to kill me, don't do that," she whispered just as my mother took a seat opposite her. "Tell me what happened," she said, turning to me. 

"I have to send one of the princesses home," I whispered in her ear. 

"Why?" she questioned. 

"Why what?" Chloe asked, sitting beside my mother. 

We both looked up at her. "Nothing," I shook my head dismissively. 

"Why what, Archer?" my mother interrogated. 

"He said nothing, Arabella," my grandma cut in, shooting me an understanding look. 

Dinner was mostly quiet after that apart from the girls talking amongst themselves occasionally and my mother chatting with Chloe. After dinner, everyone said their goodnights and we started heading up. When Evelyn and I got to our rooms, instead of going into my own, I followed her. 

"Why do you have to send one of them home?" she asked, sitting on the edge of her bed. 

My eyes went to her nightstand where she had the flower I gave her today. I turned my attention back to her. "Because my grandmother explained how it isn't right to simply host a princess who has no chance at all of marrying me. It's also getting quite irritating for everybody having so many women around. I have to send home the girl who has spoken to me the least and made the least effort," I sighed, sitting beside her. 

She nodded silently. "Send me home." 

"What?" I laughed. 

"I mean it. Send me home. Please." 

"Evelyn." I turned my body to face hers, my brows furrowing in confusion. "Why on earth would I send you home?" 

"Because I'm asking," she whined. 

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