20| Photograph

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Chapter 20: Photograph (Archer's POV)

I was still standing by the staircase, talking to Caroline when Evelyn came back from her conversation with my grandmother. 

Caroline wanted to speak to me earlier as well and now again because she is worried. She had been anxious since dinner last night about my grandmother coming to visit but the conversation we just had was far from that subject. She asked me, very bluntly, if I had ever even thought of marrying her or if Evelyn is the only girl I'm chasing. She didn't seem angry or upset with me, she just seemed like she genuinely wanted to know. 

I explained to her how Evelyn is the only girl here that I chose. Everyone else was my mother's choice and the two girls I liked from my mother's choice, were Mila and her. She knows that Mila has a boyfriend in her own kingdom, so I didn't have to explain that. But unfortunately, I did have to explain why it's difficult when it comes to her because she is a lot like Evelyn. 

I didn't want her to feel like a second choice so I had to tiptoe around my words a lot. It was difficult to explain how I felt. But to put it blatantly, even after being so much like Evelyn, she doesn't make me feel the way Evelyn does. And I had to tell her that. 

Lucky for me, she understood. Because she was rooting for Evelyn and me herself. 

"Hey, how was it?" she asked as Evelyn walked over to us. 

"It was good, she was very nice," Evelyn answered with a smile. 

"Did she ask anything that was too personal?" I questioned. I know my grandmother wouldn't do that, but you never know how offended someone might feel about something. 

"No, not at all. She asked what she had to, nothing too personal," she replied, turning to me. 

"I'll leave you both to it," Caroline chuckled, heading on upstairs. 

Evelyn looked at me in confusion. "What was that supposed to mean?" 

I shrugged, acting just as confused as her. "I'm not too sure." 

"Archer!" We both looked to the front where my mother was standing, already seeming irritated with my grandmother's presence. "Bring all the girls. Your grandmother has some news," she rolled her eyes and walked away. 

I turned to Evelyn. "You go on ahead, I'll bring them." 

"Are you sure? Chloe and Carol are in the backyard, I can go get them," she offered. 

"Okay, I'll bring everyone from upstairs," I nodded. I went to the floor, spotting Caroline and Mila outside. "Ladies," I cleared my throat, catching their attention. "Everyone's presence is requested downstairs." 

"We'll be right down," Mila smiled. 

I turned back around and joined Evelyn, Chloe, and Carol downstairs, all of us standing in front of my grandmother. Seconds later, the other three came down. 

"Ladies," my grandmother nodded. "And Archer," she smiled at me. "Tomorrow we will have a photoshoot." 

Evelyn stumbled beside me. I grabbed her waist, steadying her, and letting out a small chuckle. 

"Don't get so nervous darling, you'll do great," my grandmother smiled at Evelyn. "Archer will get a photograph taken with each of you." 

"Photograph?" Mila mumbled. 

"Or photographs, maybe more than one," she said as she stood up. 

"What is this for, Lady Beatrice?" Candace asked. 

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