Epilogue 1

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Epilogue 1: (Archer's POV)

"Are you ready?" my dad asked, patting my shoulder while the priest walked in and took his place. 

I took in a deep, shaky breath before exhaling. "I'm ready," I nodded. I stood there at the altar, counting down the seconds until she arrived. 

People were whispering among themselves and surprisingly, that was the least of my worries. The wedding is happening in the same church that everybody in my family has gotten married in and there are a lot of people here, all eyes on me and Evelyn today. I put my hands behind my back, trying to calm my racing heart. 

We're getting married. We are finally getting married. 

It's extremely cold outside since we're in December, and to make it even better, it's snowing. But because it's cold, we're inside, only hosting the reception outside. Evelyn decided she doesn't like the whole 'Here comes the bride' music thing, so we went with soft piano and violins instead. 


The music slowly picked up and the doors down the aisle opened slowly. She had a bouquet of white roses in her hand while her other arm linked with her father's. I never got the chance to see the dress, it was kept hidden from me, so I think it's safe to see that now when I am seeing it... I think I'm having a heart attack. 

Her hair was down, it was straightened to perfection with two strands from each side pinned to the back. Attached to that pin was her veil which flowed behind her, ending with the dress's train. I saw her inhaling deeply before she gathered the courage to look up. Her eyes went straight to mine as she only focused on me in the entire room. 

'Hi,' she mouthed. 

My hand instinctively flew to my chest as I held my breath. I heard my dad chuckle behind me while some people in the room did the same. 

I forgot they were looking at me. 

When she took one step with her father guiding her, everyone turned in their seats to look at her. Her mother stood up from her seat at the front when Evelyn and her father made it there and her father sat down as her mother stood up to take the bouquet from her. Caroline and Mila, who became her bridesmaids, helped her with the dress while she came and stood in front of me, both of us letting out soft sighs. 

"You look beautiful," I whispered. She smiled at me, sticking both her hands out nervously. I grabbed her hands, holding them in mine as the priest cleared his throat. 

"We are gathered here today to celebrate and to witness the joining of Evelyn Grace Harrington and Archer Grimaldi in marriage. As they promise to love, trust in that love, honor one another as individuals, and anticipate with joy spending the rest of their lives together. They are surrounded by you- their friends and family. Thank you all for gathering here to witness their marriage and to share in the joy of this special occasion," he said, starting with the welcoming words. "Before we begin, would you two like to exchange your vows, please? Archer, you first." 

I cleared my throat, hoping my voice wouldn't break or crack. That could be very embarrassing and quite possibly, the worst situation possible. I pulled out the vows that I wrote and held the paper in my hands, reading off of it even though I knew it by heart. I glanced up at her before beginning and then I couldn't look away. So I put my hands down and read what I already knew was written down. 

"Evelyn," I began. "I tell you this every day, but what better day to repeat it than today. I love you. And I know you are the love of my life. You made every day better and you make me better. Ever since I saw you, I just knew there was something about you. And I'm glad I chose you, even though my heart chose you first." 

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