15| Stare

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Chapter 15: Stare (Evelyn's POV)

It's been about an hour since we all had breakfast and I was organizing my closet for the month when Caroline came barging in. "Evelyn!" she sang. 

"Caroline!" I said mockingly. 

"The king and queen are going out to the Kingdom of Erynn for the day and we all have the palace all to ourselves. Chloe said she saw Prince Archer getting ready to go for a swim and we are all planning to go as well. Get ready, grab a bikini, let's go!" she squealed. 

"I don't know, I don't really feel like swimming," I shook my head, putting my dress in the closet, hanging it up. 

"Oh, come on. It's the perfect opportunity to flirt with the prince. He'll be shirtless too," she sang. 

"Caroline," I said pointedly. 

"Here." She grabbed my suitcase, looking through it and then turning back to me with a frown. "You didn't bring a bikini?" 

"Why would I bring a bikini?" 

"Borrow one of mine," she shrugged. "I brought a new one but I think it would look better on you, actually," she said thoughtfully. "I'll be right back." 


She was gone before I could protest. I continued unpacking and turned to the door when she came back. "Here," she handed me a bright red bikini. "It should fit. I can't believe you didn't bring one. Come to the pool in fifteen minutes, okay?" She rushed back out to go change and get ready herself. 

I sighed, grabbing a pair of denim shorts and going into the bathroom. I put on the bikini and luckily we're the same size so it fit. Then I grabbed a towel and pulled the shorts on over the bikini bottoms. I brushed through my hair and put it up in a high ponytail before trading my flats for flip flops. 

I grabbed a see-through, floral cardigan and pulled it on over my bikini. I smacked sunscreen everywhere on my body and then opened my door. 

Caroline was waiting for me at the staircase. "He's already there, let's go!" she squealed, grabbing my arm and dragging me downstairs. 

I sighed, walking beside her. Archer was standing in the pool, seemingly confused as he talked to Mila. She was sitting on the edge with her legs dipped in. Chloe was doing the same a little further away and so were the other two. 

"Hey," Mila smiled while we walked over. 

I squinted under the sun while Caroline literally dragged me over. She got rid of her shorts and sat down beside Mila, talking to her. 

I sighed, shrugging off the cardigan and then losing the shorts. I left them on a chair and looked over, seeing Archer looking at me with his sunglasses on his head. 

"Hi," he grinned. 

"What?" I asked, looking down. 

Was something slipping? 

"Nothing," he shook his head, laughing. 

I ignored it and then sat down on the edge, dipping my legs in. I leaned back on my arms, watching as everyone chatted off to someone or the other. 

I will never not feel out of place here. 

I was looking around the backyard, my eyes going to the basketball court a few feet from here with a basketball sitting under each of the baskets. It was fun in gym class. 

"Do you play?" 

I got startled, looking to the front and meeting Archer who was standing by my legs, looking up at me. "No, not really. Just in school," I answered. 

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