38| Disgrace

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Chapter 38: Disgrace (Archer's POV)

I know I shouldn't have kissed her. Especially when everyone around us was someone who could easily report to my mother. But I really couldn't care any less about that. I'm not a child, I can make my own decisions and do as I please. No one can tell me otherwise. And regardless, kissing isn't against any royalty rule. 

I pulled back to look down at her. 

"I'll be dead tomorrow," she mumbled. 

"So will I, it doesn't matter," I shrugged. 

She stared at me for a few silent beats. "They won't say anything about you, you know that," she whispered. 

"I won't let you take the fall for something that I did, you know that. Don't worry," I reassured her. "I've got you." 

"Would the same thing happen if everyone saw us kissing after the ball that's going to happen?" 

I shrugged, "Probably not. Then people would just think that you're going to be the girl I chose. In that case, it would be okay. But I already chose you, so it is okay. They just don't know yet." 

"You could change your mind," she shrugged, mumbling softly. 

"Evelyn," I deadpanned. "I've said this so many times. I choose you. I don't see anybody beyond that. There is no other choice for me, nor do I want another choice. So please, don't stress about it. I have your back," I explained. 

We both stopped dancing as she stepped closer, pulling my lips down to hers. I was pleasantly surprised when she did that, even though she pulled away quickly. "We should head to dinner, it's being served," she said with a small smile. 

I took her hand, leading her to the room with the long dining table and a few small round tables set up around it and then we ate dinner with the others, acting like nothing happened. After dinner, we said goodbye to Mr. Albert and his wife and then I drove us back to the palace. 

We sneaked back in and went straight upstairs. Everyone was tucked away in their bedrooms right now but I can't imagine us not being grilled tomorrow morning. 

"Goodnight," she whispered, kissing my cheek quickly before turning to her door. 

I sighed, grabbing her wrist and spinning her around, smashing my lips on hers almost immediately. Her kisses were addicting and I wanted her with me all the goddamn time. I wanted to be with her all the damn time. I kept one hand around her waist and pulled her into my room, kicking the door shut behind her. 

She smiled against my lips, one of her hands resting at the base of my neck, her fingers lightly playing with my hair in the most teasing manner. 

I stepped back, my legs hitting the bed. I kept myself standing upright and held onto her face, savoring the moment and the kiss. I always have to steal kisses from her, but whenever I'm with her alone, I can kiss her as much as I want. And that's the way it should always be. 

She chuckled softly, pulling back to look at me. "Don't you think you're a little-" 

"No," I cut her off, shaking my head before grabbing the back of her neck again and pulling her into another kiss. 

She laughed before kissing me again. 

I deepened the kiss and she returned with the same intensity. I pulled her body closer to mine and rested my hands on her hips, feeling her smile. I heard the door being twisted open and I pulled back immediately. 

My mother stood there, fuming. Actually, even fuming is an understatement. 

I sighed, scratching my brow not as worried about getting caught whereas Evelyn now stood beside me, staring at the ground with her hands behind her back in embarrassment and nervousness written all over her. 

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