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"fine. you may come. but you will not come in to my room"

"awe. why not?" he pleaded.

"absolutely not! you could be a mass murder for all i know about you, niall"

"but you trust me enough to let me come to your house? believe me, if I planned on murdering you, you'd be dead by now, baby"

i paused. he was right. maybe i am crazy.

"fine. whatever. just get in the car, please"

he smiled at me before running to the other side of the car, and climbing in. i rolled my eyes, and got into the car, putting the keys into the ignition, and starting the car.

about 10 minutes later, i was pulling into the driveway of my home.

"holy h.ell. this is your house?" niall suddenly asked, looking at the, what appeared to be, million dollar house.

"in a way, yes" i replied, getting out of the car.
i walked to the front door, and opened it, stepping inside.

"how is it 'in a way' your house?"

"my dad bought it for he and my mother when they were first engaged. and after having a child, and raising her to be 17 years old, they got tired of one another. so they divorced, and gave me the house. believe me, i am not the one paying the bills on this house, trust me. i barely make ends meet"

"oh, baby girl, you are not the only one. but i, personally, am a multi-millionaire" he smiled, boastfully.

"'but i, personally, am a multi-millionaire"' i mocked, in a high pitched voice.

he squinted his eyes, and made a growling noise.

"don't give me the stink eye! you are the one who is bragging about the fact that you have money coming out your ears"

"i suppose so. but i just don't understand how someone such as yourself would not have much money"

"what's that supposed to mean? someone such as yourself?" i asked, starting to climb up the stairs.

"someone as flawless as you. you are super model material, princess"

i turned to face him, and felt myself blushing. "you really think so?"

"no baby" he said, placing his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. "i know so"

"aw. you're still not going to watch me get changed" i smiled, playfully as i closed my bedroom door in his face.

as quickly as i had shut it, it was opened.

"i know i shouldn't be so shocked, but this bedroom is remarkable!" he exclaimed, sitting down on my bed.

i smiled at him as i picked out a cream colored mini dress, and a tan sweater to put over top of it.
(pic on side)

"to dressy or not dressy enough?" i asked as i slipped out of the bathroom, wearing the outfit.
niall gave me a wide eyed smile, and nodded.

"you're so hot"

"excuse me?"

"i said you're hot"

i cocked my head, and raised an eyebrow.

"i'm not hot. if i'm anything at all, it would be beautiful. i am a girl. not a temperature" i sassed, grabbing my phone and slipping on my tan heels.

"oh. so you're that type of girl?" niall asked, laying down on his back.

"no. i just believe that every girl should be treated with respect, and dignity"
"but i'm starving, so. shall we?" i continued, smiling at him.

he sighed deeply, and looked up at me.

"what's wrong boo?" i asked, sitting down beside him on the plush bed.

he chuckled, and covered his face with his hands. "you're calling me 'boo' now?"

i casually shrugged my shoulders, and placed a finger on his jawline, tracing down to his collarbone. he stared at me as i laid my hand down on his chest.

"what?" i asked, trying to figure out what he was looking so intently at.

"its not that i don't like your little 'touchy-feely' thing, but my darling, when you're as hard as i am at this very moment, you don't enjoy it so much, knowing that the same girl who is turning you on, wont help you fix your problem"

i quickly glanced at the crotch of his pants, then back at him, placing a hand over my mouth.

"i am so sorry" i said, nearly bursting out laughing.

"i don't think you are. if you truly were, you'd stop laughing, and start unzipping"

i gasped, playfully hitting his shoulder. "how dare you say such a thing"

"i cant help myself, princess" he placed a finger under my chin, making me look up at him. i bit my lip slightly, then heard him groan.

"f.uck" he whispered.


"i would love to bite that lip of yours" he whispered pulling me closer to him, grazing his lips over mine. the feel of his hot breath on my lips made me want to kiss him. but it wasn't supposed to be this easy. then again, it felt pretty d.amn good.

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