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i sighed, leaning my head back onto the couch.

"why don't you get some rest?" niall suggested, turning off the television, and glaring at me.

"i'm not really tired"

"but you should go lay down kitten"

i shrugged, but was pulled off of the couch by niall. he suddenly picked me up, bridal style, and carried me up the stairs, and into my bedroom.

he sat me down on the bed, then went back and closed the door.

i cocked my eyebrow at him, and smirked.

"lay down, and close your eyes"

"why?" i whined.

he plopped down on the bed, and leaned over so that his forehead was resting on mine.

"because i said so" he said, his breath fanning my face.

"but i don't want to, niall"

"emily, don't make me ask again" he demanded, placing a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

he leaned back onto the headboard, and pulled his phone out of his pocket, before typing in his password, and scrolling through, what i assumed was instagram.

"whatcha doin'?" i asked, sitting up, and leaning into his side, placing my head on his shoulder, and my hand on his stomach.

he looked over at me, and raised an eyebrow. "my own thing, that's what i'm doing. why are you not even trying to sleep, like i told you to?"

"i can't sleep now"


i paused, the silence making him turn his head to look at me. i looked up at him, making eye contact.

"because you're here, and you're distracting me" i whispered, my eyes never losing contact with his.

he threw his phone to the end of the bed, and smirked at me. "but i told you to rest. disobeying already?"

i shrugged, biting down on my bottom lip. "i guess that i'm sorta rebellious. but you're acting like my father"

he smiled. "oh am i now?"

"yes. you are. and i would appreciate it of you'd stop it"

"then stop acting like a child"

"i am not a child! good god, do you think i'm ten?"

he shrugged. "how old are you?"


"then act your age"

i squinted my eyes at him. "i can't act my age. i've never been this age before. besides, how old are you?"


"maybe you should act your age, and not like you're a million years older than you are" i spat.

childish comeback? yes. i'm the f.ucking queen of s.hit comebacks.

"i should. but i could never act my age"

"and why is that, mr. horan?"

"because you bring out the possessive, and jealous man in me"

"oh. okay. um, that's weird"

he smirked, yet again, before moving around, so that he was hovering over me, his lips inches from mine.

"i like you. you're funny" he said, looking from my eyes, to my lips, then back at my eyes.

"what are you doing now?" i asked, sarcastically.

"kissing you" he replied, placing a teasing kiss to my lips.

i frowned as he moved away.

"oh, so now you want to kiss me again?"

"no. i want you to kiss me harder"

"as you wish, kitten" he said, before crashing his lips to mine.

i wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his closer to me, as our 'kiss' turned into what felt like a hot make out session. his tongue traced my bottom lip, before his hands started roaming my body.

he rested one of his hands on my left breast, squeezing gently, making me moan. he used the opportunity to force his tongue into my mouth.

his tongue roamed my mouth carelessly, as did his hand roam my body. it was like he knew every inch of me by heart.

"niall" i breathed, pulling away from his kiss, trying to catch my breath.

he looked at me, smiling. his lips were a darker pink, and slightly swollen.

"your first kiss, i'm assuming?" he asked.


"how was it?" he asked, smirking.

"eh. it was okay" i said, sarcastically.

"you should see what else we could do"

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