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Saturday January 24, 2015

i sighed as i got out of bed. it was a drowsy looking morning. dark rain clouds covering the sky, and the pitter-patter of the rain, making the sky look depressed, or saddened. but  i personally didn't mind the rain. it was peaceful, and cleansing. and it smelled absolutely lovely.

i put on my pale pink bathrobe, and white slippers before opening my bedroom door, and shuffling down the stairway into the kitchen.

i poured myself a cup of coffee, and sat down on the couch, turning on the television. i checked the weather, then switched the channel to 'sirius xm the coffee house' being that this was my particularly favorite type of music.

acoustic versions, of modern songs. beautiful renditions, and perfect songs for days such as today. i turned up the volume, before trudging back up the stairs, coffee in hand.

i turned on the shower water, letting it warm to my liking before removing my clothing, and stepping in to the warm water.

i finished rinsing my hair, and body, then stepped out, wrapping my hair in a towel, then wrapping myself in a different towel.

after having dried off, i combed through my hair, removing any tangles that were once there before blow drying my long, brown hair.

i slipped on a pair of denim skinny jeans, a multi-colored sweater, and some socks, then started with my hair again, brushing it to the side, and doing a loose braid.

after finishing my hair, i put on some turquoise jewelry, light make-up, and a pair of nude toned boots.

i had decided to go to the shopping center for the day, just to get out of the house. i never worked on the weekends, because i had to have a little 'me time' at some point. and that was what the weekends were used for.

i put my bag over my shoulder before walking out the door. i walked quickly to my car, and climbed in, checking my mirror to see if the rain had done any damage to my hair. i smoothed down a few stray hairs, then started my car.

about 10 minutes later, i had parked my car, and started to open the door and get out.

i shut the door, and locked it quickly, trying to avoid any puddles of rain as i quickly made my way to the doors of the shopping center.

"would you like to share my umbrella?" a familiar voice spoke.

i turned around, seeing the same blonde man that had shown up at my work just a few days prior to.

he smiled as he ran to me, shielding me from the rain as he held his umbrella over both of us.

"thank you" i said as he opened the door for me.

"it was my pleasure"

"do you really think its wise to go running around in the rain, without a jacket?" i asked, admiring his toned arms as he shook from the cool air hitting his wet skin.

"maybe i wanted to get sick again" he replied, a hint of rebellion in his voice.

"why would anybody want to get sick?"

"well, i suppose that if everybody had a nurse that looked as marvelous as you, people would want to get sick much more often."

"i'm sorry?" i asked, unsure of what he was suggesting.

"maybe i wish to become sick, so that it gives me an excuse to see you"

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