c h a p t e r o n e

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i woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm, slamming my hand down on it so it would stop i dragged myself out of my bed "why does school start today" i thought to myself whilst dragging my feet along the floor over to my closet "and why do all these clothes not suit me" nothing was more worse than not knowing what to wear. i pulled out a pair of jeans that i had cut holes in and a baggy top that i could easily tuck in before hearing my mom sing 'girls just wanna have fun' up the stairs straight into my room. "good morning, leah!" she spoke to me whilst grabbing a hair brush and simply passing it to me "morning mum" i quietly said under my breath whilst brushing my hair and flicking it over my shoulders "go and brush your teeth, breakfast is all ready for you downstairs!" she sang as she walked out my room. placing down my hair brush on my shelf i made my way over to the bathroom and picked up my toothbrush.

i had finished my breakfast so i picked up my bag and swung it over my shoulder and sat on the porch step waiting for alex to come pick me up in her car, i felt bad letting her pick me up to go school and she wouldn't have to if i was allowed my own car but according to my mom im not sensible enough for one, i heard a loud car honk which snapped me out of my thoughts i looked up and saw alex sitting there waiting for me to get in. i immediately jumped up from the porch and ran over to her car, she took my bag from my shoulder and threw it in the back "hey! don't throw that it has stuff inside ya know" i looked over to her with a stare "like what a magical pencil thats gonna help you find your way around school?" she replied to me which i couldn't help laugh at "well anyways let's get this show on the road!" she shouted turning up the radio full blast and letting 'don't you forget about me' fill the car making us both sing until we got to the school.

alex opened her door and jumped out grabbing both of our stuff, i couldn't help but be mesmerised by how big the school was "are you gonna get your ass out of my car or are you doing school work in there?" alex laughed which made me jump, i took deep breaths and stepped outside of the car to grab my bag from alex whilst throwing it over my shoulder before i could actually close the door i had saw that she had already done that for me and was now dragging me across the school grounds into the school and before i knew it i was standing at the office getting handed my timetable and map around the school "thank you" i spoke then turned away whilst alex slipped her arm around my shoulder and took my timetable "ok so errr.....oooo........meh......ok! we have 2 classes together" she moved her head up from my timetable and slipped it into my bag "but it isn't our first class buuuttttt i can show u to your first one because if im late that means im late but what they gonna do ground me from class because like yes please!" she giggled and i done the same.

after she had shown me my class i walked in and immediately the teacher stood up whilst greeting me she looked over to the class which was making so much noise that if i had screamed they would probably not even be able to hear me, she cleared her throat and caught attention of the class "we have a new student today her names leah smith!" she introduced me to the class with a jolly tune in her voice she then walked over to a young boy and told me i would be sitting next to him for now, i looked over to him he was handsome blonde hair with little brown highlights in, an amazing jaw line and i couldn't just explain how gorgeous he was "hey! you must be leah? im corey" he whispered to me making me stop staring at him "oh yeah im leah" i whispered back to him "cool" he turned away from me looking back to the teacher 'did i just manage to talk to a good looking guy!' i thought to myself before turning back to mrs keller
this is my first book ive done so please tell me if anything's wrong <3

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