c h a p t e r f i v e

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it had been more than a month since ive been at my new school and i slowly opened my eyes to see my 9 year old sister throwing pillows at my face 'why did she have to come back today' i thought (lily had been living at our grandparents for a bit) "leah! wake up you have school" she yelled at me school? school?! oh my gosh i forgot about school, i jumped up from my bed and grabbed a tie dye blue shirt and black jeans i took a look over to my alarm clock 4:45am 'what?.....oh my gosh lily! that little-' i ran to her room and tried opening it but she had already locked her door walking back to my room and locking my door i could hear giggling from her I jumped back on my bed closed my eyes and fell asleep.

my alarm clock set off which put me into a mood from my sister it's usual sound and i slammed it so hard that i could have almost broke it, i jumped up and grabbed the clothes that i had put out at 4am i ran to the bathroom and threw on my clothes, brushed my teeth and ran downstairs and had breakfast "so leah i heard you at 4am this morning" my mom said with disappointment making lily chuckle "oh that was lily telling me it was time for school" i shot her a look getting up from the table, grabbed my bag and stepped outside my door there was no point waiting for alex so i just started to make my way up the road. i walked through the gates and saw her and river "hey leah!" she shouted at me "go away" i muttered walking past her "leah! what the-" river yelled to me "are you deaf did you not hear what i just said?" i shot back running into the school and to my first class seeing corey already in there throwing a piece of paper in between hands "hey corey" i spoke to him whilst sitting down "hi" he replied in a rough tone turning his head away "are you ok?" i asked in a concerned way "im fine ok?" he said to me turning his head to look at me then turned away again.

it was finally lunch after a lesson with corey acting like i never existed and he still never told me about that day when he left my house so quickly, i walked inside the cafeteria seeing corey, river and alex all sitting together before i could turn away alex ran up to me "what's up with you today?" she said nudging my arm "nothing im just stressed" i told her "but why didn't you pick me up?" i asked her face turned into confusion "what? corey said he would pick you up?" she answered me, this confused me to much "he never did? he ignored me all of first period today" i told her now i could tell alex was annoyed she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the table then sat me down.

"so corey, why didn't you pick up leah?" alex spat out making me look over at her and i pulled a stare "err i forgot to tell you that err i had to take one of my other friends early in the morning" he told her alex looked over at me and signaled 'does he really think we're gonna believe that' river was going to say something until alex cut him off "so which friend was that?" she asked causing corey to start getting up "j-just one of my friends that's all but um ive gotta go now, b-bye" he grabbed his bag then ran out of the cafeteria "what was that all about?" river questioned us.

"he definitely has a secret" i whispered whilst me and alex were on the way to last period as we were very late "well obviously he wouldn't start panicking like that gosh leah you are so dumb sometimes" she rolled her eyes at me before i hit her on the head then laughing until she caught a glance of corey and this other girl making there way up the stairs infront of them she stopped in her tracks pulling me back behind a wall "what?" i asked then she pointed to corey and the girl "corey stop it! we're gonna be so late" she spoke to him in a whiny high pitched voice whilst grabbing his hand and swaying it back and forth "it's fine as long as we don't get caught" he chuckled, they walked past us and i caught his eye where he just froze for a bit before i just ran anywhere as far as i could anywhere away from him...
so like here comes dramaaa and can y'all follow me pls <3

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