c h a p t e r f o u r t e e n

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"ready for wh-" before i could finish he ran into the sea and threw me in "corey!" i yelled at him "im soaking wet now" swam over to him and splashed water on him "well it is water what did you expect?" he laughed me then disappeared under the water "boo!" he lifted me up from underneath "corey, stop it!" i laughed at him we swam around for a while until it started to get late "hey cor, can we go now?" i asked him whilst laying on his chest "yeah we can go back to mine if you want and you can stay there?" he put both of his hands onto my cheeks "corey it's a school night" i reminded him "so? we can just walk school together and you wear some of my clothes" he shrugged like it was nothing "corey are you stupid or what i can't just walk into school wearing your clothes after we broke up" i rolled my eyes at him "oh yeah...we'll just go back to yours get clothes then go to mine" he suggested making me facepalm my head.

i ended up going along with his plan he waited in the car for me whilst a just grabbed a shirt and a skirt for tomorrow then running downstairs back into coreys car "that was quick" he turned to face me "how long did you think i would take, 30 minutes?' i smirked before he started the car whilst he was driving a remembered that i had never really went to coreys house i had been outside of it but never really in it so this would be a bit different "hey, we're here" he smiled opening the car door on my side and grabbing my hand he led me to the house "hey mom" he greeted her as he walked in "this is leah" he pointed at me "well finally i get to meet her" she cheered then walked over "he talks about you all the time" she whispered to me making me giggle a bit "cmon leah up to my room before my mom starts saying anything else" he pulled a look at her then took me to his room, it was clean, covered in posters just like mine and with a double bed in the middle of the room "it's getting late so er you can get changed in the bathroom on the right" he guided me "oh shoot corey, that's what i had forgotten" i groaned "just wear these" he passed me some of his clothes.

i saw him laying in his bed as i walked out of the bathroom closing the bedroom door behind me then getting into his bed "hey" he pulled a small smile showing that he was tired "hi, you should get some sleep cor" i smiled back at him "i will" he yawned and wrapped his arms around me "goodnight leah" he closed his eyes "goodnight corey" i done the same. i woke up still stuck in his tight grip but this time there was no alarm clock buzzing 'i should get up' i thought so i wouldn't have to rush later on but i still couldn't get out of his grip "today is gonna be a long day" i quietly said under my breath even though he wouldn't be able to hear that was the last thing i said before i closed my eyes and went back sleep.
this chapter is shorter than the others as i was being lazy

dreaming || corey haimWhere stories live. Discover now