c h a p t e r s e v e n t e e n

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this morning i had to walk all the way to school as my mom wouldn't drive me there due to lily refusing to get out here bed but i was finally here after like 10 minutes i just knew mrs keller was going to embarrass me infront of the class but it wouldn't be the first time since she does it all the time to every student but surprisingly i was there a couple of minutes before she entered the classroom giving me time to talk to corey who was currently chatting away with jonathan, i sat down removing my bag from my shoulder "so um what are you guys talking about?" i asked causing them to turn their attention to me "just how jonathan has a little crush on this girl he met last week" corey wiggled his eyebrows "oh shut up" jonathan tried to reach across the table to hit him "mr brandis! no violence in my class room please" mrs keller raised her voice at him "yeah jonathan" i whispered trying to hold my laughter in, class went quite fast as it wasn't like us three were listening we just laughed the whole time.

despite my first two periods had been alright this morning lunch changed that straight away. whilst me, alex and jonathan were just talking about how we've been saw corey whisper something to river that made him grab a cup and attempted to tap it loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear but that plan failed so river just decided to scream that definitely caught everyone's attention corey jumped onto the table "erm so all ive got to say is, yeah i am dating leah and no i don't give a shit about your opinions" he proudly shouted filling up the whole room river, alex and jonathan starting applauding him whilst a few others did, i looked up at him getting a small smirk in return before he jumped down then took a seat next to me but inside i kind of felt relieved that he had said that to everyone because now nothing had to be in secret and made everything easier.

corey decided that we should all go to the arcade where me and him first started to become friends even though jonathan hadn't moved here then we still convinced him to come we took a break for a while "guys that's her" jonathan whispered "that's who?" i asked not whiny able to hear him "that girl that i met, what do i do?" he turned his head to look away from her "go talk to her man" corey nudged him a little "o-okay i'll be back soon" he stood up and walked over to her after seeing what was happening over there we all knew that it was going well, when he started walking back over we all looked away like we wasn't just watching the whole thing "i got her number" he smiled "we're all going to have to go on triple date soon" corey laughed "who said we're dating?" river asked "its a bit obvious" i told them.

corey wanted to stay at my house for a while "promise you will not disturb me whilst im studying" i stared at him "i promise" he smiled, i only said a couple of words to him as i didn't want to lose concentration until he held my hand and kept lifting it up in the air "what are you doing?" i asked putting down my pencil "nothing carry on" he told me he done this for the last five minutes "seriously corey what are you doing" i looked over to him "trying to annoy you" he carried on again "I hate you, corey haim" i told him packing away my books "i love you, leah smith" he started pulling me into a hug.

the past couple of months me and corey had been fine i just wanted to spend my whole life with him and never leave him i loved him to much, one thing that hasn't happened his me and him getting married just like alex said but i still had plenty of time for that i just hope it happens especially with him.
so this is the end of the book but if you do want me to add anything to it please tell me <3

update: i wrote this like two years ago so if any vocab was wrong or things didn't make sense then try to ignore it aha

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