c h a p t e r t h i r t e e n

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he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down onto the the bed as i sat on his lap "well i have an idea..." i muttered to him "what? that we should break up?" he asked "well how d-did you know but yeah just so she would stop..." i said to him "well er okay then, let's break up" he smirked to me gosh i knew he didn't mean it "seriously corey" i laughed at him "i am serious no kissing, touching and we can only do that when we're not near anyone we know" he pointed at me then pulled a face "you could have put that in a simpler way such as a secret relationship" i giggled and he connected his lips with mine forming butterflies in my stomach.

the next day at school surprisingly it worked corey told his friends that we were no longer dating soon enough it went around the whole school and amy had shut up about the whole rumour things one thing that was hard for corey was not to hug me when we had breaks but he managed to get over it "hey! i heard you and corey broke up" alex rolled her eyes because i had already told her everything last night when corey had left i was just about to reply when i saw a piece of paper hit alex on the back of her head "im gonna guess this is for you leah because i don't think corey would say to me-" i snatched the paper out of her hands before she read it out infront of everyone in a loud voice 'meet me at the beach at 4- ;) the note read as i turned my head around to face him he caught a glance pulled a quick smile then started talking again.

i ran upstairs into my room "what can i wear? what can i wear?" i repeated until i found a swimsuit and just put my original clothes on top i quickly ran over and started to brush my hair just to tie it up in a ponytail to get it out my way "mom! can i use your car" i yelled making my way downstairs "no" i heard her reply i quickly picked up the telephone and called alex "can you drive me to the beach in 10?" i asked her out of breath "yeah is this so u can meet corey?" she asked "maybe, well yeah but thanks bye" i quickly spoke into the phone and put it back down "wow is leah actually getting out her room for once?" lily giggled to my mom "oh wait is it because she's seeing handsome boy" i heard her say "yes it is!" i yelled to her as a shuffled my shoes on then running outside the door waiting for alex to turn up in her car with music probably filling up the whole neighbourhood "hey! leah are you getting or what" i heard her shout i looked up to see her turning up the radio as i jumped in "so did you call me last minute?" she laughed "yeah" i told her "maybe me and river could come down later with you guys" she said checking if i would agree "sure but what about jonathan?" i felt a bit bad leaving him out "i did ask him earlier but he declined" she told me before pulling up "well um anyways i'll see you later" she smiled and waved at me as a stepped out the car.

feeling the sand clash against my feet whilst i ran over to corey who had now turning around seeing me coming over "hey" i smiled at him whilst doing a little wave "hi, are you wearing like a swimsuit underneath there?" he asked me coming a bit closer "yeah, why?" i said taking a step closer "because then you'll be ready for this" he smirked at me
I feel like this chapter is rubbish but whatever

dreaming || corey haimWhere stories live. Discover now