c h a p t e r n i n e

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"im leah" i smiled shaking his hand and he pulled another little smile back at me "how long have you been in town jonathan? ive never seen you before" alex asked him whilst river put his arms around her waist "i moved here a couple of days ago actually and im joining a new school soon" he told her "hopefully it's our school" river grinned at him, the rest of the day we just sat around, went on more rides and just spoke for a while until alex took me home as her mom had called to come home. i had been sitting on my bed for a while watching the tv there was nothing great on though so i got quite bored and decided to turn it off.

the sound of the telephone woke me up i checked me alarm clock 2:30am 'seriously?' i thought before picking up the phone "hello? who is this?" i asked "hey is this leah?" the voice asked into the phone "corey? why are you calling me this is just ridiculous" i rolled my eyes even though he wouldn't be able to see "let me explain...please" he whispered softly "fine, not at half 2 in the morning though i need sleep" the last thing i told him before hanging up then falling back to sleep. i was walking through the halls of the school making my way to first period i walked into class and took my seat next to corey who was shouting to one of his friends that was sitting on the other side of the classroom then suddenly bought his attention to me "hey" he smiled sweetly "hi..." i muttered to him "so can i explain at lunch if you won't ignore me?" he laughed "sure" i told him sketching little things into my book suddenly mrs keller came in "good morning class!" she shouted "today we have a new student!" everyone then turned there attention to the door that was slowly opening to see who was there one person who i didn't expect to see "jonathan! how great to see you!" she exclaimed i took a glance over at corey who wasn't looking at the young boy getting jealous knowing he won't have as much attention anymore "...why don't you take a seat in front of miss smith and mr haim?" she pointed over and i done a little wave to him he started to make his way over and dropped into the seat infront of me "hey leah" he whispered "hi i didn't expect to see you here" i quietly giggled causing corey to look up "hey? how do you know him?" he asked me "we-" jonathan cut me off "we met at an amusement park with river and alex" he told corey smiling "and why wasn't i invited?" corey started to get annoyed "because you annoyed me, dumbass" i rolled my eyes at him then turned my attention back to jonathan "im leaving" he whispered to me and stormed out the room 'talk about jealousy much' i laughed at myself.

it was finally time for lunch as i dragged jonathan into the cafeteria after he got caught up staring at a girl in the hall "hey jonathan!" alex smiled at him as he sat down we spoke for a while until corey walked over "leah can i talk to you now?" he asked me standing there a bit awkwardly staring at jonathan in a horrid way "sure...i'll be right back guys" i pulled a crooked smile and followed corey, he then stopped "why did we go this far?" i asked him "so they can't hear us" he muttered under his breath "well it's not like your going to scream it through i microphone then they would be able to hear you" i laughed after leaving an awkward silence between us "so um about what happened..." he began "that girl?" i reminded him "yes her well i found out that she sorta liked me so err i was trying to talk to her about it that i didn't like her that way but she didn't get the hint and i know i should know better..." i nodded my head at him 'you hardly know the difference between better and worse what are you on about mr?' i thought then looking back at him "...but im sorry leah i really am!" he kept whining about it "okay okay you can shut up your making my ears hurt your good, i forgive you, everything fine" i laughed at him.

i sat back down at my table after corey had waved bye to me and turned back to them "so like did you and him get married or divorced?" river smirked and i pulled a face at him "we didn't get divorced...no! wait! we were never married in the first place oh my gosh i hate you" I slammed my head against the table then getting surrounded my loud laughter from all of them "cmon leah he's only kidding" alex poked my head "yeah sure, only kidding..." he laughed, jonathans mouth started to open once i looked up "wait so what's going on between them two because im just extremely confused about this whole situation?" jonathan asked i turned to him and mouthed a sarcastic 'thanks' as they started to give him information about me and corey.
i managed to write most of this whilst watching dream a little dream :)

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