c h a p t e r e l e v e n

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my alarm clock woke me up just like every other day "i really don't wanna go school today" i muttered all that was on my mind was that day at the mall i couldn't believe i had actually said them things out loud and i just know coreys gonna tease me about it for the rest of my life. i walked through the school doors when a girl from one of my classes ran into me "oh im really sorry about that!" she apologised to me whilst panicking like i was gonna shout at her "it's fine no big deal" i said to her i recognised her from i think 2 of my classes she had blonde hair that had been curled up then brushed, a floral skirt and a matching floral shirt "are you sure?" she asked whilst i nodded to her "well im amy, im in first period and third period with you!" she exclaimed "well um speaking of first period I really have to get there now" i told her "i can walk with you" she said changing her speed to catch up with mine.

i took my seat next to corey whilst him and jonathan were just talking "hey leah"he smiled at me "hey" i simply replied grabbing books out of my bag "who was that?" jonathan asked flicking a piece of paper onto the floor "who?" i lifted my head up in confusion "that girl who you walked in with" he told me "oh her that's amy she kinda ran into me in the halls" i replied and he just nodded then turned away, the rest of class was boring which made me completely zoned out for half of the lesson "leah?" corey nudged me "huh what?" i asked like i was paying attention "class is over" he laughed at me "oh yeah" i smiled packing my stuff away then standing up whilst he put his arm around my shoulders making me blush "you know we should skip second period and go to one of the empty music rooms" he said as we walked out "oh no i would get in so much trouble" i denied what he said "oh come on it'll be your first class that you've ever skipped we won't get caught anyways im good at this kinda stuff" he said in a convincing tone "fine but if we get caught im saying you made me do it" i laughed at him.

he took me into one of the rooms and locked the door so no one would be able to get in "why did you choose the music room?" i asked him sitting on one of the chairs that were in there "i don't know really i just go here when i need time or when i feel like skipping class" he told me walking over to one of the keyboards and ran his hands across it "do you know how to play?" i asked him lifting myself off the seat and walking over "oh well a bit but not exactly some i do" he muttered then turning his face next to mine causing me to realise how close we were feeling his warm breath against my face, his eyes locked with mine and letting his lips crash onto mine, i was in complete shock until i started to kiss him back which made him smirk against my lips i pulled away after a couple of seconds and just stared at him "bet your glad you skipped class now" he winked at me "shut up" i whispered under my breath "cmon leah, you know you like me just admit it" he smirked at me "no i don't" i crossed my arms and he started laughing.

the bell rung then corey took me out of the music room before anyone noticed that we had been in there and we made our way to lunch the cafeteria was full of shouting and sounded even more louder than usual we made our way over to our table "so we mr and mrs haim i heard you guys weren't in second period according to some or well all the students here" alex started at me "about that-" he cut me off "-we're dating surprise!" he practically yelled for the whole cafeteria to hear then pulling me closer causing alex to get up on the table and start squealing "hey! what? no we aren't!" i shouted at him "oh babe we are you just don't know it" he winked at me as i took a seat "gosh i hate you" i said under my breath "what was that babe you love me" he smirked "cor stop twisting my words!" i stared at him "im kidding" he laughed sitting down and squeezing me.

after school i begged corey to hang out at mine "take your shoes off there and attempt to run up to my room that's on the left before my mom is able to see you" i whispered to him which he didn't do he just followed me into the kitchen "hey leah...oh is this the young boy who was at the door the other day?" she asked "yes" i told her "im her boyfriend" corey smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist "corey" i said to him through i fake smile as my mom was so happy about this that wasn't even true "your an idiot" i told him "you know you love me" he faintly laughed "i do but that's not the point" i nudged him on the way to my room "so you do love me then" he smirked at me "what no i never said that!" i yelled at him covering my face in embarrassment as i realised what i had told him before "pretty sure you did babe" he sat on the small couch in my room and pulled me closer to him "just shut up and pretend i never said anything" i lightly hit his arm again "oh trust me i won't" he put his hands in mine and laughed again.
so that's the end of this chapter and if you have any feedback feel free to comment it here <3

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