c h a p t e r t h r e e

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after hours of mr ross explaining well i don't even know what because someone kept throwing paper at me every 10 seconds of class but it just makes me like him more, alex took me over to her car and we threw our bags in the back before i could take a seat someone tapped me on the shoulder "hey errr leah i know we've only just met but i wondered if you ever wanted to hang out one day?" he stuttered some of the words out of his mouth like he was nervous, i took a look at alex who started mouthing 'see marriage' with a smirk making me roll me eyes on her and turning back to corey who was now looking down at the concrete floor "yeah sure" i told him getting into the car "oh....that's great" he smiled at me then turned away running back over to his friends. she started the car and turned up the volume on full blast just like this morning, i opened my window all the way and she done the same whilst driving past corey and his friends then straight out the exit.

she dropped me off at my house before saying "at 7 we're going to the arcade with a few others if that's ok?" she shouted to me over the radio and i nodded then ran into my house and straight into the kitchen after throwing my bag on to stairs "hey leah, i would have thought you and alex would hang out after school" my mom spoke in her usual jolly tune whilst doing the dishes "oh yeah about that she's gonna pick me up at 7 to go the arcade" i told her hoping she would be fine with it "okay! just keep safe and if there's any boys fill me in" she winked at me making the laugh but all i could think about is him. i lay on my bed trying to make time go faster it was now 5:30pm and i had just finished dinner i closed my eyes a bit until the horrible sound of the phone on my desk starting ringing making me jump up from my bed and walking over to it "hello?" i spoke in an annoyed tone into the phone "oh hey leah it's alex i just wanted to tell you that you should change your clothes but nothing fancy just casual" she said into the phone then hanging up before i could reply "great" i whispered to myself walking over to my closet and pulling it open so hard that i could've almost broke it, grabbing a pink crop top with long sleeves that shown one of my shoulders and a pair of grey sweatpants then walking over to the bathroom and changing into them i looked over to the nearest clock i could see and it was now 6:40pm i panicked and ran back into my room and started to brush my hair putting on some light mascara before running downstairs just when i heard the bell ring "bye leah" my mom shouted from the kitchen.

i opened the door to see corey standing there "oh hey corey what are you doing here?" i asked him confused "well river and alex are to busy flirting in the car so i just came to get you" he chuckled lightly "okay then let's go" i laughed then getting into the back of car because river had sat in the front, i stared out the window when i felt an arm slithering around my shoulders making me blush before i turned around to corey who was smirking at me 'oh my gosh that smirk' i thought to myself smiling back at him. he extended his arm more pulling me closer and grabbing my hand and stroking with his thumb before i could comprehend what was happening he suddenly let go and moved his arm when river shouted "hey! you two love birds come on we're here" making us open the doors and step out infront of the arcade.

we made away inside and i slowly walked over to alex who then linked her arms with mine "why did you invite him?" i whispered to her "because river didn't wanna be the only boy so he asked corey and when he found out you was coming he said yes because he's in love with you" she spoke to me "really!" i spoke a bit to loud that river and corey looked over to me confused "no of course not leah" she replied back to me laughing then walking over to river who grabbed her hand and spun her around making me wish that was me and corey, well speaking of him i heard his soft voice from behind me "hey leah! seems like the two love birds left us so it's just us two now" he then came next to me and pulled me closer to him
i hope this chapter is good and that you enjoyed it!

dreaming || corey haimWhere stories live. Discover now