c h a p t e r t w e l v e

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the time was 11pm it had been about an hour since corey had gone home as we hadn't noticed that it had started to get late but as soon as he got home he called me on the telephone and that we still are "i kinda wanna skip second period again tomorrow..." i whispered into the phone so no one in the house was able to hear me and sat up on my bed so i didn't have to pull the telephone to far "of course but warning i may kiss you again" i could imagine him smirk whilst he told me that "hey leah? err so like despite all the jokes today um are we actually going to date?" he asked me quietly im guessing he also didn't want to wake anyone up but what he asked me made me smile so much "it's okay if you don't want to bu-" i spoke over his words "cor are you kidding i would love too!" i yelled through the phone but in a almost likes whisper tone "wait really? that's great leah" he told me "leah is that you?" i heard my mom come closer to my room "shit i gotta go cor love you, bye" i immediately told him then hung up before lying down in my bed pretend to be asleep whilst my mom opened my door and walked over to my bed "leah?" she asked "huh what? you just woke me up" i lied to her "oh i thought i heard something er go back sleep" she gave me a kiss on the head then closed the door again.

it had been a couple of months since corey had asked me that and ever since that day it feels like there's always weight that's being lifted off my shoulders whenever i talk to him, surprisingly today i woke up before my alarm set off so i had the chance to turn it off before it made the annoying noise i put on some jeans and a top that was slightly cropped that had 'the 80s' written on the front i sat infront of the mirror and brushed out the curls that corey begged me to let him put them in my hair which now has made my hair all puffed up but i just decided to leave it the last thing i done was put on some blue eyeshadow just before there a small pebble knock my window i went over and opened it incase another one got thrown and broke my window "corey?" i yelled to him "hey are you coming?" he asked me "yeah i am now why didn't you just knock the door?" i laughed "well that's a short story that i cannot be bothered at all to explain" he smiled, i ran down the stairs and straight out the door and saw corey wearing a blue shirt, jeans and a white hat as always he looked handsome "cmon then" he grabbed my hand whilst starting to walk to school "why do u keep staring at me" i asked him then i locked my eyes with his "just trying to take in how beautiful you are" he smiled at me then gave me a small kiss on the cheek "hey corey! whatcha doing?" some guy shouted out of a car window as they drove past laughing "just ignore them" corey rolled his eyes and put a tighter grip around my hand like he was trying to protect me from something i didn't know about.

we made it to the school in the other 10 minutes of talking when we were walking down the hallway i couldn't count how many stares we were given he took me over to our seats in first period which came with more stares "hey jonathan" corey asked "yeah?" he turned around and looked at corey "what's with all the stares?" he asked him "oh them? everyone's saying you guys made out in the music room whilst skipping second period that day a couple of months ago" jonathan shrugged me and corey both exchanged a look "wait? is it true" jonathan gasped at us both "what? no! i mean we were in the music room but we just spoke for the whole hour" corey explained "ah okay" he done a thumbs up all i could think about was who started this rumour so obviously i asked him "er well everyone's saying they heard it off of amy cuz she saw you guys or something i have no idea" he told me wait a second amy! that sweet girl who i met in the hallway earlier then corey tapped me on the shoulder and signalled me to look over to the other side of the class room and there she was staring at me with a smirk on her face whilst whispering to someone that then looked over to me "what the fu-" i almost yelled making mrs keller cut me off "language! miss smith" she shouted at me making me look over to her.

first period was finally over and i practically dragged corey into the music room then locked the door and covered the window on it with a piece of paper that was sitting on the table "what's wrong?" he asked me leaning against the table "her, everything, i only met her that say then she never spoke to me again and she's doing this" i panicked "hey, hey, hey it's okay" he wrapped his arms around my waist and i done the same with his neck as he hugged me, the whole hour was just us two talking about what we would do and i thought it couldn't get any worse until i walked into the cafeteria with everyone's eyes on me.

"you really are famous today aren't you leah?" river laughed as me and corey sat down "yes, yes i am river and im not happy about it" i slouched onto the table "don't worry leah we're your friends we wouldn't believe this kinda crap what's going around" alex nudged me "but why what did i do?" i whined "amys probably jealous of mr and mrs haim" jonathan laughed "did one of you say my name" amys annoying little voice butted into the conversation as she leaned on the end of our table "yeah we did amy what are you going to do about it spread more things around the school" i blurted out then covered my mouth "maybe or just talk about you and corey making out again in music room for the second time" she pulled a sarcastic little smile at me "oh cmon amy just give up we all know there going to get married" river rolled his eyes "what?" we all looked over at him confused well i think that was a comeback but i have no idea "oh nothing" he smiled like he never did anything "anyways this is only happened because you and corey are together nothing else" she smiled "stop being such a jealous bi-" i cut river off "river! enough of your weird comeback things that no ones ever heard of" i raised my voice at him causing him to laugh i saw that amy had walked off to another table to talk about me this day just couldn't get any worse could it

after school me and corey went to one of the diners down the street and decided to come up with something that would just stop this whole nonsense...
this chapter is a bit long and there's new drama now hehe but maybe not for long...hopefully!

dreaming || corey haimWhere stories live. Discover now