c h a p t e r t w o

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i had finished my morning classes and walked into the cafeteria seeing alex waiting for me on a table to with a young boy, i walked over and sat down next to her making her head flick up and looked at me "oh hey leah i was just talking to river about you!" she spoke in a enthusiastic way to me i moved my eyes over to the boy who was smiling at me 'he's pretty cute' i thought turning my head back over to alex who was now giggling at the boy 'bet she likes him' when alex has a crush she always acts like this but how can i blame her i would do the same except im hooked on the corey "hey do you guys know who corey is?" i asked them both "corey? as in corey haim?" river looked at me with a surprised face "how do you know corey, leah?" alex asked me "well errr in my first class, english, i may have been placed next to him by mrs keller...." i replied with a small smile, i now saw alex's mouth hanging open "mrs keller! of course she always is placing girls next to him, it's like she's trying to find someone whose right for him but if you two end up together thank her" she said with a smirk causing river to laugh "there is no way that's happening he only spoke a couple of words to me he probably doesn't even remember my name" i laughed then looking around the cafeteria "hey river! come over here stop hanging with your girlfriends......oh hey leah!" a voice yelled over to us making me look....of course it was corey "sorry guys gotta run bye!" river spoke as he stood up and made his way over "soooooo what did you say about him not remembering your name" alex wiggled her eyebrows at me "oh shut up" i hit her arm.

i walked to my last lesson which was science with alex as we had it together making away into the classroom i saw corey 'oh my gosh i cannot seem to get away from him' i thought alex ran up to the teacher, mr ross, then came running back dragging me into a seat next to her "seems like you and corey are in the same class" she looked at me grabbing a pencil out her bag and throwing it at me "your acting like we're gonna get married" i rolled my eyes at her "that's because you will just wait and see" she spoke under her break "what?" i asked in confusion "nothing" she replied with a smirk on her face.

half way into class a piece of paper hit the back of my head 'funny seeing you here, are u stalking me or something?' -corey, i chuckled to myself 'no, i think your stalking me' -leah,i threw it back to him when mr ross wasn't looking, another piece of paper hit me 'well how could i not, you are very pretty ;)' -corey, i felt goosebumps form on my arms and my cheeks starting to turn red, i slipped the paper into my pocket and turning around to see him smirking at me.
this chapters not that long but here's another one!

dreaming || corey haimWhere stories live. Discover now