c h a p t e r s i x

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running out of the door almost tripping on my shoe laces "leah!" corey called after me making me stop "l-leah just stop ok i explain" he yelled out of break at the schoo door "oh just forget it corey you've been acting so strange the past months that ive been here just leave me alone" i yelled practically screaming at him and turning back running from him stopping for a second turning back at him seeing a frown forming on his face 'oh just forget it it's an act' i thought to myself, i walked into my room and fell straight into my bed then ended up falling sleep

i haven't spoken to corey since the whole incident i had almost asked to move seats away from him but alex had convinced me not to he's tried talking to me a couple a times and i has to resist which was er should i say quite hard because just look at his face i mean how could you not! alex, river and me went to this new diner that was just down the road but i couldn't help thinking about corey which made me start feeling a bit bad all i could think about is that this was actually all my fault and not his "leah? what do u think?" river asked me making me forget what i was just thinking about "um what im sorry i wasn't listening i was kinda just thinking about something" i told them both "he was talking about corey like what do u think of him?" she told me "erm well he's been trying to talk to me but ive kinda just been avoiding him which is making me feel a bit bad like this is actually my fault" i felt a bit guilty telling them this "well im gonna start going back home now" i told them waving grabbing my stuff and walking out the door. i finally made it home walking inside taking off my shoes whilst kicking them to the side then going upstairs and sitting on my bed, it turned 10pm and i had just got out of the shower then decided to go bed as there was nothing else to do.

i felt a warm breeze on my face causing me to flinch and open my eyes "hello honey" corey whispered in my ear moving hair out of my face "c-corey what are you doing here?" i asked him as he pulled my hand and put it up to his face "to see you obviously" he pulled me closer and leaned in me "cor-" he cut me off by kissing me then started to make his way down to my neck leaving hickeys "leah what are you doing!" a shout came busting open my door causing us to both to turn our heads around to see who it was
then i started to wake up.
so like this chapters a bit short but i hope it's still fine

dreaming || corey haimWhere stories live. Discover now