c h a p t e r t e n

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a couple of weeks had past and me and corey were now on good terms the only drama ive had since then is alex arguing with me because me and corey decided to be just friends but i generally don't see the problem with it she's so sure we're gonna get married which will never happen, i heard my mom open the front door after the doorbell had rung "what a nice gentleman you are im guessing your one of leahs friends?" her faint voice asked him "oh yeah im corey" he greeted her 'what! corey was at my house like right now?' i thought "so i was wondering if you could give this to her im in a bit of a rush" he told her there was no reply but i heard the door closed so im guessing my mom just nodded her head at him i heard footsteps coming up the stairs and near my door "leah? your friend corey told me to give you this" she said passing me a little box with my name taped on the front "so are you guys like dating" she asked raising her eyebrows "mom! of course not we're just friends!" i shouted at her laughing.

the telephone on my desk rung "hey corey" i spoke knowing that it's him "hey leah, have you opened what i got you yet?" he asked "oh not yet ive been busy but i can now" i told him "okay well i'll speak to you later then?" he said then hanging up i walked over to the small box that was sitting on my bed and started to take lid off of it inside there was a beautiful necklace that had my name written on it along with a couple of photos and i card that read "hey leah, i wanted to give you this as a gift we haven't known eachother long but thanks for being there" -corey:), i stuck the photos underneath my posters and moved my hair out of the way to put the necklace on.

"leah! please take lily shopping for me!" my mom shouted up the stairs "fine! one minute" i shouted back pulling on some shorts and a oversized shirt before frizzing my hair then putting it into a high ponytail, i walked out my door then downstairs to lily who was standing outside on the porch waiting for me "mom? how are we gonna get there?" i asked "just take my car" she yelled to me "cmon lily get in the car" i told her grabbing the keys from the house and unlocking it. we were finally there after a long drive of lily talking about 'the handsome boy who was at the door this morning' i held her hand before she could run away even though she was 9 she would have ran to another country if i wasn't holding her we started walking into the shopping mall "leah" she whined "can we go into that store pleaseeee" she begged me, forcing me to nod my head then dragging me into one of the stores she picked out a colourful beaded bracelet with a matching necklace so i took her over to one of the cash registers and payed for it before she tried to buy the whole store.

i took lily to one of the stores that i liked after following her around all day i was looking at the clothes when i could hear lily talking to someone behind me "hey your the handsome boy who was at the door today" she said "lily, corey isn't here" i told her before turning around "that's where your wrong" he laughed to me 'oh shi-' lily cut off my thoughts "see i was right it's the boy who was at our door" she giggled "yes i can see that" i rolled my eyes at her "so i can see your wearing the necklace i got you" he said after he stopped laughing "oh yeah thanks i really like it" i smiled getting lost in his appearance and cutting out everything they were saying "i think leah likes you" i heard lily whisper to him making corey start laughing again "well who wouldn't" i blurted out 'wait did i just say that out loud' i panicked looking at them both whilst my cheeks were turning a shade of red "wait i-i didn't mean it in that way!" i stuttered out "oh don't worry it fine" corey laughed "i mean i am basically perfect anyone would have to be crazy to not like me" he laughed again nudging me before i turned away.
so i don't really know about this chapter but i guess it's okay

dreaming || corey haimWhere stories live. Discover now