c h a p t e r s e v e n

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my mom came through my door shouting "alex is calling for you, come answer it" she told me then exiting my room i fell back onto my pillow "of course i was dreaming" i muttered to myself "leah! come on!" she yelled at me from the lounge, i groaned then jumped up from my bed, running down the stairs and picking up the phone "hello?" i said into the phone "leah? can i stop tonight there's someone redoing my room?" alex asked me in a polite manner "yeah, sure 5?" i told her "nah 4 we'll have more time" she giggling into the mic "okay well i'll see you then" i told her and then hung up the phone. i ran back up stairs and fell back onto the couch i had in my room then started to admire the posters that covered my walls such as madonna, winona ryder, cyndi lauper, michael jackson, johnny depp and so many more that i admired alot i checked the time and realised i had woke up at 12pm and now it was 1pm.

i had just got out of the shower and i started to put some rollers into my hair to curl it half way through lily decided to burst through my door "ew why are you wearing a towel" she disgustingly asked me "i just got out of the shower don't you have anything better to do" i shot back at her "yes, actually planning a wedding for you and this corey kid you've been talking about on the phone to alex" she told me smirking about to leave my room and probably tell mom "you better not!" i yelled at her running to the door with my towel almost falling down and grabbing her hand "give me one of your madonna posters then" oh my gosh that sneaky little- i could just imagine my mom bursting down the door shouting language but she had to choose madonna one of my favourites "fine let me get changed first" i rolled my eyes at her then slammed my door, i grabbed just an oversized shirt that had johnny depp on then a pair of shorts, i stood on my bed leaning over and taking one of my madonna posters down then walking over to lilys door and sticking it on there.

'alex should be here any minute' i told myself suddenly the doorbell rang and i ran downstairs as fast as i could almost falling over then swung open the front door to see alex standing there with her bag i pulled her inside and dragged her into my room "wow calm down there" she laughed at me "...you and corey?" she asked me with her eyes widening like she was desperate for a 'we're good' "um well nothing good..." i answered her making her sigh "...you and river?" i asked "well i forgot to tell you but he took me to one of the amusement parks, we should all go one time but anyways he's really sweet, handsome an-" i cut her off "okay i get it you really really really like river" i said to her raising my eyebrows making her slap me on the arm.

a couple of hours past and now it was 8pm and we were eating pizza on my bed "did you figure out who that girl was with corey?" i questioned her and she slowly put down her pizza "oh err that girl she's called veronica just some girl that decides to date every guy in the whole school..." she said "...even river" she coughed over her words causing me to laugh at her, we spoke for a couple of hours until the phone on my desk starting ringing "hello?" alex asked "hey um is leah there?" the voice on the over line said "no she's too busy dreaming about you" she told them then hung up "i swear if that was corey, alex im going to kill you" i raised my voice at her "maybe or maybe not" she smirked at me "it was wasn't it, oh my gosh, oh my gosh why would you tell him that?" i asked her walking back and fourth "hey it might have no been him but i we'll never know" she rolled her eyes then dropped down on my bed starting to fiddle with my alarm clock "hey do you have any idea how long that takes to get back on the right time because of you?" i moved her across the bed so i could fit "no" she plainly replied to me then leaning over me to put the alarm clock back and started talking about how river means a lot to her "just like corey did to me" i whispered looking over at her "don't worry your gonna get married anyway" she told me then lifting my hand up like she was trying to do a fist bump with the air making me laugh, later on we both fell sleep watching gremlins.
so like who do you guys prefer alex and river or corey and leah?

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