c h a p t e r f o u r

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he took me over to one of the booths that were in the back of the arcade whilst river and alex and wondered off somewhere together we sat in an awkward silence for a bit until he started to sing along to 'crazy for you' that was playing over the loud speakers i took a look over to him and i started to smile at him like i was crazy but he didn't seem to care he just
kept singing,

"i'm crazy for you
touch me once and you'll know it's true
i never wanted anyone like this
it's all brand new
you'll feel it in my kiss"

he took a look over at me and smirked then took my hand and wrapped his fingers around mine, leaning over and planting a kiss on my cheek making goosebumps appear on my arms again "are you okay there leah? you seem to be turning a shade of red" he chuckled whilst i turned away and covered my face "damn it" i muttered under my breath turning back around to see corey pulling the biggest smile at me which just makes me fall for him more and more "im kidding, it's cute" he whispered pulling me closer to him, after 10 minutes of him talking about his life and school river and alex came over to us "hey where have you guys been?" i asked pushing myself off of corey "errr t-trying out the new arcade games" river answered me whilst shrugging i looked over at alex and mouthed 'better give the the deets later' wiggling my eyebrows making her smile.

i watched one of the clocks on the wall hit 10pm and i had a feeling i should go "hey guys i think im gonna leave since we have school tomorrow" i smiled and started to stand up "i can take you back" alex replied about to stand up aswell "no i'll walk it's fine" i said whilst guiding her to sit down "bye leah" river spoke whilst waving to me and of course i waved back. i was just about to open the arcade doors when someone was already holding it for me "lady's first" the soft voice said to me "corey? shouldn't you be back there" i asked him confused "well i can't let you walk home on your own at this time" he winked at me and took my hand leading me out whilst a pulled a small smile at him "so..." he silently spoke to me trying to get rid of the silence ".....you and alex how long have you guys been friends because ive never seen you around here?" he continued "oh me and alex? we met through our moms when we were younger nothing special i guess" i answered him "oh cool" he looked down at the floor for a bit then started to quicken his pace making me have to go faster as i was basically attached to his hand.

"well this is my house, corey" i told him and he stopped infront of my house then pulled me into a small hug "bye leah" he whispered in my ear causing me to shiver from his sweet voice "bye corey" i replied to him letting go and running up to my door "oh and thank-" i was about to say when i turned around but he had already went, i shrugged it off and walked in to see my mom sitting on the couch with her legs up watching the tv "hey" i smiled whilst taking off my shoes "bed now! you have school tomorrow" she demanded, i ran upstairs and changed into the pjs then threw myself on my bed 'why would he leave so quick' i thought 'did i do something?' 'no he probably just didn't wanna be late home' i have no idea why i was even worrying about this he doesn't even like me that way that's the last thing that came to my mind before i drifted off to sleep
this chapter is a bit short but if you have any feedback feel free to tell me <3

dreaming || corey haimWhere stories live. Discover now