c h a p t e r e i g h t

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i woke up and looked at my alarm clock 11am it read i turned to my side tapping alex to wake up "cmon get up" i told her poking her shoulder she turned her head groaning at me "no only if you let us go to that amusement place" she nudged me "fine i guess" i told her getting out of bed and grabbed a floral baby blue dress with some white sneakers to pair with it whilst alex got changed in the bathroom, i walked into lilys room to check on here to see my madonna poster ripped spread out on here bed "lily!" i screamed through the house running down the stairs "yes" she innocently replied with a grin to hide her evilness "what did you do to my poster!" i yelled throwing the pieces at her "hey! you got a piece in my cereal" she said pulling the soggy posted out and dropping it in the trashcan, alex came downstairs i grabbed her hand and pulled her outside the door waiting to get in the car "damn it! we didn't get breakfast" she groaned "oh come on you had 5 pieces of pizza last night you'll be fine" i rolled my eyes getting into the car "hey? why are you in the driving seat you don't have a licence" she asked me climbing in the passenger seat "who said you need a licence to drive" i told her with a smirk starting to the engine and driving off.

"err go left then right and another right after go straight and we'll be there" she directed me whilst i drove us to the amusement park but i hardly listened i was to busy singing 'material girl' in my head after i heard it on the radio last night "stop the car!" alex shouted making me panic "we're here!!"she screamed excitement making me roll my eyes at we both stepped out the car within a second she was dragging me through the entrance "do you ever have a break" i asked her laughing "no" she simply told me "oh look it's river!" she shouted pointing at him turned around talking to another guy "can we see him later i wanna just spend time together one a few things first" i whined at her "fine."

we had a go on a few things then alex picked this rollercoaster that probably went into a loop 5 times "....cmon please let's just go!" she nudged me "if i need to throw up then im doing it on you" i told her making her laugh then dragging me (again) over to the queue we waited for a bit and we're just about to turn back until "there's 2 extra seats if anyone wants to come on" the instructor shouted we ran up as fast as we could and they let us on. "oh my gosh that almost killed me" i walked off the ride holding on to alex trying to keep my balance "your fine dont worry" she laughed i looked ahead to see river walking over with the boy he was talking to earlier 'corey?' i thought 'no i don't think river would bring him over here' alex pulled me closer and smiled "hey girls!" he greeted us pulling a wide grin "um whose this" alex asked him "oh this is-" the boy cut river off "hey im jonathan."
this chapters a bit short because i was being lazy

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