c h a p t e r f i f t e e n

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i woke up again looking over to the clock on the wall 12:45pm this time i decided to wake him up "hey corey?" i whispered then poked him "huh" he started to rub his eyes and looked up to me "corey we are late, very late" i sat up looking down at him a bit "well then do you wanna skip" he asked me "no i don't, but only this time then that's it" i told him "okay, can i go back sleep now?" he turned over so his back was now facing me "no? you've been sleeping for long enough" i shook his arm to get his attention "what are we meant to do then?" he muttered then turned himself around so his face was facing mine "let's do the easiest idea and go somewhere" i suggested making him groan knowing he didn't want to get up.

it took a while to get corey out of bed but when he finally did we went somewhere to eat then to one of the roller skating rinks and corey couldn't keep his balance at all "corey! just stand still first then copy me" i giggled at him "i can't! how do people even do these things?" he held the side of the rink to keep himself balanced, things started to get butter with him before we had to go "hey! we've gotta go now cor" i told him taking off the roller skates and handing them back in "oh cmon as soon as i get the hang of it" he whined stomping over and giving his shoes back "we can come another day" i reminded him "i hope so" he muttered i grabbed his hand as we walked out to one of the benches that were opposite the place i walked over with him and sat him down causing us to start having a conversation.

"cor?" i asked him "yeah?" he looked up at me "how do i know that im not dreaming right now" i said and his face looked like he had just got a thought "hmm....wait do you dream about me then?" he smirked "no! well maybe but that's not the point but what happens if i wake up and none of it's real?" i grabbed his hands "your not because if you were i wouldn't be saying this to you and you would have woken up by now but you would wake up in my arms because im always going to be here for you leah" he smiled then kissed me whatever he said then had made my stomach full with butterflies and made me love him even more if only he knew how much.
this chapter is short aswell but i will try next chapter to make it longer

dreaming || corey haimWhere stories live. Discover now