Chapter 41 - Stay Calm

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[Nathan's POV]

Emily said tonight is a test.

She wants to know I can control my anger and my jealousy. She wants to know I won't say those things to her again. That I won't fight a fucker who tries to touch her.

I can't promise her I won't. So I didn't. But I did say I will try... and that I will do.

I don't know what came over me last week at the club. The rage I had watching that loser's hands on her waist... his fingers on her skin... on my girl... it was too overwhelming to stop. Her smile... the half-drunk yet still the most beautiful smile she gave me our first night together. She smiled like that to him as she whispered god-knows-what in his ear... I couldn't stop myself.

She is so naïve to her own hold over men, she doesn't believe he wanted to get in her pants... or rather, her very short dress. But he did. I know what he wanted. I know because I want it too. Always.

I wanted to kill him for even trying to be with her. She is mine, even if she isn't ready to agree to that.

She has me wrapped around her little fucking finger, that is for sure. That's why I got so angry. For anyone else, I wouldn't have given it a second glance. But for her... I couldn't look away.

She traps me with one look of her ocean blue eyes. One touch from her gives her complete control over me. She has all the power.

That isn't how I wanted us to be. It should have been the opposite for this to work. I need to be able to walk away when this is done. Without regret. Without feeling.

But I cannot stop myself from doing anything with this girl - for this girl. Not just in bed - although she is the best at that - but for everything. I'm fucking obsessed.

So I went back to her and begged for a second chance. I swallowed any pride or ego I had and went to her like a dog with his tail between his legs. Thankfully, it worked. For now.

I think I can pass her test tonight. All I have to do is pretend to not know her for a few hours. How hard can that be?

Very... when she is all I can think about.

God. What have I become this past month? It's pathetic.

I pour some middle-aged men whisky across the bar counter. They are regulars, quiet guys. It seems to be a steady night. A few table of younger guys get increasingly rowdy as I pour them more shots. Easy money for me and the bar. Very annoying if I have to end up kicking them out. They better know when to leave on their own, especially tonight.

A key in my pocket jingles as I move around to serve customers. It weighs nothing in reality, but it is quite heavy in my mind and I decide to put it in my wallet until I need it.

I feel the air shift when she walks in. I see the old greaseballs turn and stare as she walks in with her two friends. Her eyes skim the bar quickly, landing on mine and I smirk, knowing her friends aren't looking at me as they search for a table.

I walk around the bar and swing my white towel across my shoulder as I approach them.

She is more covered tonight than at the club last week, but if I had it my way she would wear the loosest sweatpants and sweaters ever made. I don't want these losers seeing her body. The body only I see. Her long thin legs are on display in this short black skirt and the whole outfit hugs her curves perfectly. I would love this look if it was only for my eyes.

I can't say any of this to her. I'm learning. I can be territorial in my head, I just can't say it out loud. That's how I keep her.

That... and occupying all her time so she has no chance to find someone better than me. Like the preppy blonde asshole that used to hang on her bedroom wall. It was gone yesterday. I didn't ask. I want to know why, but I also know I can't ask her. Not if I want her to stay with me.

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