Chapter 63 - The Truth

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"Deep down, you always knew." - David Jones

I wake up on Tuesday to my favourite sound of Nathan's heart beat against my ear. I smile into his bare chest and snuggle in closer in his arms, not that there is any room to even get closer, I'm basically glued to him already. His soft snoring fills my ears as I sigh happily into his embrace.

It's somehow different than it was before. It is deeper. More intimate. Like somehow, with just a change in the title of us, we have become that much closer. Or maybe, it's knowing my true feelings now that make me feel like it's different.

The way he looked at me last night almost made me confess. I saw the same feelings in his eyes... well, I think I did. It's hard to know when I have only ever seen it in Dean's eyes, but it didn't look the exact same. I knew him so well, I could tell. I barely know Nathan. I don't know how to fully know and be sure of it.

So I chickened out and went to sleep instead, dreaming of his impending visit to see me in the fall. We saw a play on Broadway. We went through Times Square. We kissed in front of the Statue of Liberty. It was like a movie montage of everything I could hope for us. But above all, we were happy and we were together. It almost felt too good to be true after so much drama and craziness and hospital visits since we met.

I feel his breathing change and within a few seconds, his lips press against the top of my head.

"Morning," he whispers and I smile.

"Hi," I reply and lean back to stare up into his sleepy eyes.

"Good sleep?" He half-smiles as his left hand runs up and down my back along my spine softly.

"Very." I grin and lean back into his chest, closing my eyes to relive the dream one more time before I have to leave for work.


[5 hours later]

"Emily, you can take your break." Jake's deep voice rings out as he appears around the corner smiling at me.

"Okay, great. I'll just be outside for a few minutes." I smile and grab my phone from the shelf behind the counter before heading out the front doors.

As I walk along the sidewalk to look at the colourful flower stands, my phone starts buzzing in my pocket. I pull it out and stare down at Anna's name flash across the screen, confused.

She doesn't call usually, even before our fight.

My curiousity gets the better of me and I pick up, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask hesitantly.

"Emily?" She answers and I freeze from her uneasy tone. Something's wrong. "You need to get home now. I know you're working, but it's important. Your father asked me to call you."

What the hell?

"I can't leave work now. My shift has two hours left, Anna." I reply, more confused than ever.

"You have to. Tell your boss. He's a nice boy, he will let you leave." She rushes her words out quickly and I start to panic.

"Did something happen?" I ask as I head back to the restaurant. "Are my parents okay?" My heart starts pounding at the thought.

"Yes." She replies, but it isn't clear to question she is answering. "Get home, okay?" She whispers and before I can reply, the line goes dead.

I rush inside and tell Jake there is a family emergency and that I have to go. He understands and lets me - of course. I should have expected that from him. He is probably the most understanding man I know besides Dean.

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