Chapter 62 - Plans

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"My heart did not hope for much, but it did, it did hope for a happy ending." - Silentperception

I wake up in my warm sheets on Sunday to a text from Nathan, making me instantly smile.

'Beach tonight?'

I respond, 'Not too late x'

We haven't spoken about Anna since he left the house that day. I had no idea what to say. How could I tell him that she wants me to break up with him for no specified reason? He didn't bring it up so I didn't either, but I can tell it's still between us. Like a warning that we were meant to stay in the shadows.

I left to visit Jade and go to work before Anna got here the next day - Friday. She left me food in the fridge as usual, maybe as an apology, but I couldn't bring my stubborn self to eat it and accept. Until she gives me a reason - and a good one - I won't.

I carefully pull on my favourite grey sweatpants and head downstairs to find something to eat.

As I bite into a red apple from the fruit basket on the counter, I hear papers shuffling and swearing coming from the office down the hallway. I walk towards it slowly, narrowing my eyes at the sound as I move closer.

"Dad?" I call out as I walk into the doorway.

His normally slicked back hair is messy and sticking up in weird directions, like he has been pulling on it. He has bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept in days. He doesn't even look up at me or seem to register my voice, he just keeps searching through papers on his desk, making a bigger mess if that's possible.

"What's wrong Dad?" I ask, worry starting to find its way into my chest.

His eyes widen slightly as he finally hears me and he looks up, meeting my gaze with a panicked look - yet somehow also a satisfied look, if that was possible.

"I figured it out." He says, standing up straighter.

"Figured what out?"

"The theft. The money. Everything." He waves his arms in a sweeping motion outwards.

"What are you talking about?" I ask hesitantly. As soon as the words leave my lips, the memories come flashing through my mind.

The usb he asked about. The door unlocked that he blamed my mom for. The yelling and fighting. Everything I thought he was going crazy for...

I vaguely register his voice over my loud thoughts, repeating my memories. But he adds something to the end that I wasn't aware of.

"Our publishing house has been losing money for months, about a week after your mother's book came out. It made no sense how we could be losing money, yet she could be selling millions of copies. I couldn't figure it out..." He trails off and then looks up to me with an 'AHA' look. "But then I found it. The invoices for the purchasing scheme. I won't bore you with the details... but it was bleeding us dry."

My mouth hangs open, fully dry. "How much did they get?"

He frowns deeply and meets my eyes. "A lot." Is all he says and I gulp.

"Are we going to be okay?" I ask, panic overwhelming me as thoughts swirl through my head making me dizzy.

"Yes." He nods and moves around the desk to stand in front of me. "Your apartment in New York is paid for. It's not going anywhere, don't worry about it. It's in your name anyways. And we will find who did this and recover the money, don't worry."

He wraps his arms around me reassuringly and I breathe into his chest as relief floods into me. Not because of my apartment, although that is a huge thing I am grateful for, but for the truth coming out and knowing he isn't making it up. I believe him now. He wouldn't - no, couldn't - come up with this kind of story and have it be fake.

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