Chapter 8 - The Coat

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For the next week I focus on preparing my list of things I need move to New York and shopping for furniture for my new apartment. I needed the me-time after such an intense weekend with the party, Dean, my one-night stand, Dean again...

Time to refocus on myself and my dream is what I need. And it stops me from thinking about Dean. Whenever I think about our moments together over the weekend, I redirect and find a new project. Today's is writing.

I have an idea for a new story and decide to walk to the local cafe around the corner from my parents' house to write there. It looks busy as I walk up the front sidewalk but that is typical here on a Friday. I open the door and spot a table open in the back corner. Perfect for writing.

I practically run over to the table and put my coat on a chair to reserve it while I go order.

Grabbing my coffee and blueberry muffin from the cute brunette barista, I turn to go back to my table. As I get closer I see a black leather jacket sit down in the chair across from the one I put my coat on and start using my table.

What the hell? Does this guy not see my coat?

As I get to the table I aggressively put my plate with my muffin and coffee cup down on the table in front of him making him jump slightly.

I scowl at him with my hands on my hips and wait for him to look up, ready for a fight over this table. I want to get writing now before I lose my idea.

When he turns to look up at me, my eyes almost pop out of my head and my mouth drops open.

"You?" I say staring at him, completely dumbfounded. 

How is he here right now? 

What are the odds?

He looks surprised as well, but there is humour in his eyes. "Well, this is a surprise. You sneak out in the morning and now you try to sit with me at a cafe?" He grins as he teases me.

"I... um... I put my coat there to reserve this table. Did you not see it?" I ignore his question. What would I even say to that?

"I saw it. Just assumed someone left it here." he sounds sincere but his eyes tell me he is lying.

"Or, you didn't care." I sigh and move towards my chair. He doesn't argue with my statement which proves I was right. "Anyways... um this is my table and I was going to use it. So..."

I wait for him to get up but he doesn't budge. I sigh again and sit down. I can't deal with this today, I'm just going to write and he can do what he wants. I pull out my laptop and place it in front of me on the table. When I start to open it he places his hand lightly on mine stopping me. My body tenses at his touch and he removes his hand.

"Was I that bad?" he says and I look up to meet his gaze.


"Is that why you left? I thought we had a good time." He seems more curious than upset.

"Listen, um whatever your name is -" I begin.


"Okay, listen, Nathan. We did have a good time. I had a really bad night before and we had fun. But that's just what it was. I think you knew that too. I didn't really think leaving would be an issue."

He places his hand over his chest dramatically and gasps, pretending to be hurt by my words. I roll my eyes and go back to opening my laptop.

"Sorry that was harsh. But I can't really do this right now. I have a lot going on." I try to plead with him through my eyes. Please, Nathan, just go. Let the awkwardness end.

He stays silent for a minute and I feel him watch me as I type my password in my computer and open a new Word document to start writing.

"Let's get dinner tonight." he says suddenly but with resolve.

I look up to see if he is joking but he seems serious. I squint my eyes at him, confused.

"Did you hear me before?" I ask him. He just nods. "Well, it doesn't seem like it. I can't get dinner, I have things to do."

I turn my attention back towards my word document for a millisecond before he interrupts and speaks again.

"Come on. One dinner. It doesn't have to be this second, it can be later tonight when you are done." God, he does not take no for an answer.

As much as I can't deal with more boy drama in my life right now on top of the move, I guess one dinner won't hurt anything. I already slept with the guy, what can go wrong?

"Fine. One dinner." I say after a few moments while continuing to stare at my screen. Although, it is more to avoid his intense dark brown eyes, rather than to actually work on my story. I can't focus on anything when looking at him.

"I'll meet you out front of here at 8." It isn't a question.

"Okay." I glance quickly up at him and he grins, clearly pleased he won this round. He gets up from his chair and pushes it in.

"Are you going to tell me your name?" he stares down at me and I make the mistake of meeting his gaze, getting trapped. He raises his eyebrows at me, pushing for an answer. I shake myself out of his trance.

"Emily." He smiles at my answer.

"See you at 8, Emily."

Author's note:

Sorry for the Dean shippers reading but I had to bring the stranger aka Nathan back!! But you knew that was coming if you read the book synopsis.

I'm excited to see if I will love Nathan as much as I love Dean after I write more scenes with Nathan and Emily. My original plan for the book did not include Dean at all, but like you already know if you read the first chapter's A/N, I loved him the second I put him in the story and now I have no idea who I want her to be with.

Or will she end up with anyone?

Keep reading to find out!!

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