Chapter 53 - Distractions

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"Stop distracting me!" I squeal and giggle as Nathan wraps his big arms around my waist from behind and puts his head on my shoulder. His hands grip my pastel pink sundress over my stomach.

I smirk at him through the mirror and try to continue putting my foundation on evenly, even though his lips kissing up my neck is making that very hard.

"Come back to bed..." he mumbles against my skin in between kisses.

The heat from his mouth makes a chill go down my spine and I shiver, making him chuckle, but he doesn't stop his movements.

"Aren't you sick of me yet?" I tease as I move on to contouring my forehead and cheeks a little.

He hooks one finger under the strap of my dress and drops it off my shoulder.

"Never." His eyes dance with ideas that make my insides melt. I can practically hear his thoughts as he licks his lips, watching mine.

I add blush to my pale cheeks and he moves to sit on the lowered toilet seat cover beside me. I can't help but be aware of his hungry eyes roaming over me, up and down.

"You don't need to put all that on." He frowns disapprovingly, motioning towards all my makeup laid across the bathroom counter.

"Perks of being an adult: I get to wear as much as I want." I smirk at him so he knows I'm not actually mad at his comment.

The corners of his lips tug up slightly as he gets up and comes close again. "Just saying." He whispers and kisses the side of my head lightly on my hair.

I smile as I pick out a lip gloss to finish my makeup for work.

Nathan stands diagonal behind me, ringing the smaller towel in his hand and wrapping it around his fist. I try to ignore his wicked grin flashing my way in the mirror.

I press the pink lip gloss to my lip and then feel a sharp sting slap my ass, making my hand move and the lip gloss draws a large pink line down my chin.

"Nathan!" I shout, exasperated, as I stare at the mess he made on my face.

He puts the towel that he hit me with down and starts laughing so hard, it makes me laugh too.

"I need to go to work. I'll be late. Get out." I turn and shoo him from the bathroom. He holds his hands up in surrender as he backs up to the bedroom, still laughing. The brilliant, contagious sound lighting up the apartment.

He doesn't laugh enough... it's really a shame.

I quickly fix my lip gloss and clean up my products into my travel bag before coming out of the bathroom to find Nathan sprawled across the bed. He watches me intently as I move towards him, his eyes never leaving mine.

He moves his arms behind his head, laying back against his folded elbows. His biceps flex as he moves and his abs ripple down his torso, making my eyes wander from his.

"Trying to lure me back still?" I smirk at him, pretending this doesn't affect me. It does, though, it very much does.

"It's working, isn't it?" He grins and reaches out to me. I look him over once more and step back, out of his reach, with my own devilish smile. He raises his eyebrows and chuckles as he sits up and stands.

I back up slowly, each step back when he steps toward me. He licks his lips, making me instinctively do the same, and I feel my heel hit the base trim of the wall.

He places both big arms on either side of me, his palms touching the wall just an inch from my shoulders, trapping me in his web.

"I have to go," I whine half-heartedly as I watch his lips move closer to me as he leans in.

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