Chapter 27 - Wine Confessions

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After a busy shift at work on Tuesday, I invite Jade and Santana over for a much-needed wine night. My parents are still gone to wherever they are - I can't keep track anymore - and Anna isn't working so the house is a little lonely by myself.

We sit in the living room, each of us sprawled out over one of the three white leather couches, sipping the white wine I stole from the wine cellar in the basement.

"So, is Jake cute?" Jade asks me after I finish explaining my first two days of work, leaving out the Dean portion. He didn't visit again today, which gave me room to clear my head from the thoughts of yesterday's encounter.

"I guess ya, I haven't really thought about it." I reply honestly.

"I looked him up in our high school yearbooks. I don't remember him, but he looked like a cutie. I might have to visit you one day..." she winks and we all giggle.

"He's my boss, Jade. Ew." I make a disgusted face, but she knows I'm kidding.

"If you're not into him, why can't I have him?" She shrugs and I take a sip of wine. I guess she's right, but I don't know if Jake could handle her. I love her, but she is a lot of personality, especially for a guy.

"Speaking of which, Em, are you seeing anyone?" Santana interjects and my face flushes immediately.

Am I seeing someone? I don't know...

Nathan and I are not exclusive, but would it really be right to start seeing someone else too? Do I even want to see someone else? Nathan is a lot to handle on his own.

Either way, we promised we wouldn't tell anyone.

I look down at my wine glass, away from their staring eyes. "Um... no..." I reply awkwardly.

"Perfect! I think you would like one of Mike's friends. He's a doctor," she wiggles her eyebrows at me, making me smile.

"Oh my god. Why does Em get him? I'm single too." Jade whines sadly. Santana looks to me knowingly and we burst out laughing. Jade pouts as she watches us, but I can see the amusement in her eyes.

"Jade, honey, I think a doctor might be a little too serious for you." Santana tries to break it to her nicely, but Jade rolls her eyes dramatically. She doesn't reply, telling me she knows it's the truth. 

Jade isn't really a settle-down type of girl. And I love her for it, she's a lot of fun. But a boyfriend is a lot for my bubbly friend to keep.

"Anyways, I think you two would be cute together." Santana says as she turns back to me. "I've met him, he's a nice guy. Cute. Successful."

He sounds like the whole package, but there is one problem - well, besides the maybe-Nathan problem.

"I move across the country in less than three months," I remind her and both of their faces fall.

"Don't remind me," Jade says and takes another sip of wine.

I shake my head, smiling. "You won't even notice I'm gone. Plus you love New York. You can come visit."

I can see her contemplate my words for a moment before she nods.

"Will you think about Mike's friend, at least?" Santana changes the topic and I smile at her gratefully.

"I'm not really looking for anything right now." I reply, trying to be as honest as possible without bringing up Nathan. 

I don't like lying... but I don't want to tell them and have it become a thing. I don't want to talk about it or explain it. I don't know what it is. It's fun. It's confusing. It's annoying - especially after last night. But it's what I want right now and it is easier without anyone knowing.

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