Chapter 49 - Lyrics

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[3 days later]

I pull Nathan's reluctant hand through the crowds as we make our way to the middle of the field to a spot that is not too crowded, but close enough to see the stage. It's dusk now, the concert should be starting soon.

After a lot of closet fashion shows for Anna and Pinterest searching, I finally chose a dark blue jean skirt and a fan t-shirt I found online years ago that I knotted at my waist to be more flattering with my black nylons and black combat boots. Anna helped me put my long hair into two perfect French braids to complete the look. The girls around us seem to have chosen similar outfits, thankfully. We don't stand out.

"You never said this was outside," Nathan grumbles from behind me.

I flash a smile before turning back to watch where we are going. "I must have forgot," I lie.

"Sure," he calls out sarcastically and I grin.

I finally find a good spot and pull Nathan closer to me. I lean into him and stare up at his dark eyes as his arms snake around my waist.

"Thank you for coming, handsome," I say, batting my eyelashes innocently.

He rolls his eyes but a smile creeps onto his lips before he bends down slightly to press them to mine for a brief, but gentle kiss.

"I'm going to get a beer from the tent over there before this retched thing starts." He points behind me and I nod.

"And if you don't come back?" I tease, but a small part of me does worry he may disappear tonight. He really doesn't like this band.

"I'll come back..." He smirks and leans into my ear, "for you." He whispers and then walks away, leaving me to be a grinning loser standing alone. I already miss his hands on me...

I watch the crowds of people form, everyone giddy in excitement like me.

It means a lot to me that Nathan came today... more than I think he realizes. In a rare selfless move for him, he made my dream come true of seeing the band live. I wouldn't have gone alone, I know myself too well to even pretend I would.

He will probably complain to me about having a shit time here forever - or I guess, the rest of the summer - but I'll just have to make it up to him later tonight when we get back.

With this gesture, he made me happier than I have been in awhile.

Happy because of him.

That was the whole point of our arrangement, before everything became so complicated. We are finally getting to the best part of us - the part we should have been from the start. Easy. Fun. Happy.

It took too long to get here, that's for sure.

It feels nice being out with him around so many people that I don't have to worry about. I haven't seen a single person here that I know or any of our local paparazzi outside the gates. I can enjoy myself here with my boy-whatever-he-is.

A large firm hand finds my hip and moves around to my stomach as my back presses against his chest. I know its him from his touch instantly, I don't even have to turn around.

I lean back into his embrace and I feel his warm breath against my neck and his cheek against the top of my hair.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks softly in my ear, making me blush a little.

"Nothing..." I lie to avoid making this too deep for him.

He sighs. "It's never nothing."


"Tell me." He presses and I sigh.

"I'm just happy," I say plainly and I feel him smile a little against my hair.

"It's starting..." He says as the lights turn on in front of us.

Excitement fills me as everyone starts screaming and yelling as the band comes on the stage, piercing my ears. I feel Nathan grumble - or more of a growl - against me and I place one hand over his on my stomach and lean into him more.

The beat to their first song starts - one of their biggest hits - Renegades, and my face breaks out into a huge grin. I love this song.

"Run away-ay with me
Lost souls in revelry
Running wild and running free
Two kids, you and me"

As I sing along, I hear a deeper voice mumbling from around me. I tilt my head back to look up to Nathan and see his lips moving as he sings the lyrics in a low voice.

"And I say
Hey, hey-hey-hey
Livin' like we're renegades"

"I thought you didn't like them?" I ask, stiffening a giggle.

"I don't." He replies, confusing me more.

Livin' like we're renegades"

My eyebrows furrow as I squint at him. "How do you know the lyrics, then?"

He smirks at me, trying to play it cool, but I can see his cheeks start to blush. "I learned them this week..." He says over the music and I turn to face him.

I wrap my arms around his neck as his hand that was resting on my stomach slides to my lower back.

He learned the lyrics to the band he hates... for this... for me?

"For me?" I ask, unable to control my grin as my chest tightens.

"Who else?" He replies and kisses me lightly as my fingers run through his hair.

"Thank you," I mouth to him as the bridge of the song loudly plays and I turn back around to not miss more.

He learned them for me... I can't stop smiling.

Is this what it feels like to be happy with someone? Truly content?

- - -

For the next hour, we sway and sing along to the music. It's the best time and most fun I have had in awhile.

I see him smiling more as it goes on... I think he might be starting to like this band, but I'm not totally sure.

I would tease him about it if he hadn't have done such a nice thing for me by coming and learning the lyrics so I didn't have to sing alone. It's always more fun to enjoy a concert with someone - especially with someone not begrudged for having to come.

I lean into his side as his arm wraps around my neck and his hand hangs loosely off my shoulder. I spot something black peaking out from the leather jacket cuff around his wrist that I haven't noticed before - the tattoo must be new.

I look up to him and open my mouth to ask about it as he looks down at me and smiles.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Emily fucking Covington." A familiar voice says loudly from behind us and all the air leaves my lungs. I can feel the hair standing up on my arms as the goosebumps form.

Fucking fuck.

This cannot be happening right now. Not here. Not in front of him.

Author's Note:

Ouuuu... who could this be?? Leave your predictions in the comments below!

Did you like Nathan's gesture? I think someone is catching feelingssss....

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