Chapter 47 - Jake

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[Jake's POV]

On Tuesday morning, I unlock the restaurant and turn on all the lights.

I'm the first one here - as always. My dad rarely comes anymore. If he does, it's to the back office to check receipts or bank statements. He trusts me now to run everything, which requires coming earlier than I would like.

In a few years, this will be fully mine. It technically is now - but in workload only. The name is still his. Antonio's Bistro.

I get to work quickly, sweeping up and checking the stock in the fridge. I'm in the back kitchen when I hear the door chime and familiar voices ring out from the front.

As I walk towards the front, the voices get louder, and I can hear part of their conversation.

"That's so exciting!" Alex squeals quietly, smiling widely. Her grin makes me smile, like always. It's infectious.

I stand just out of their view, watching like a stalker as I wipe down some tables quietly.

"I know. I hope he says yes." Emily says back to her, making me wonder what she's talking about.

I peer over more to see what they are doing.

Emily stands with her elbows on the hostess counter, leaning forward showing Alex something on her phone. She giggles at something Alex is saying to her, showing off her perfect white teeth and deep dimples. The corner of her eyes crinkle happily as her grin widens.

She's the most beautiful when she laughs... the sight traps you in.

I have to shake myself and remind myself she is my employee now.

It's no secret that I have always thought Emily was cute. Those big blue eyes reel you in. She was always beautiful and her toned, curvy body has always been hard to ignore. I've known her a long time and have never seen her look bad, even in everyone's awkward puberty phase.

But she was Matt's little sister and off limits. He made that very clear.

And even if he hadn't, I could tell one day she would be Dean's girl... that is, once he manned up and went for it. I wouldn't try to mess that up on purpose, despite how much I wanted to.

I saw how he looked at her. We all did. We just wouldn't mention it. I think the only people who didn't know were Matt and Emily. I'm not sure how Matt didn't catch on, though... it was painfully obvious.

Dean breathes for that girl. The way he looked - and still looks - at her is much more than any other buddy of ours did. We all respected her and liked her, sure, but it wasn't as serious as how Dean saw her.

He's a fucking idiot for letting her go.

I wouldn't tell him that... I stay out of people's business... but it's so obvious to everyone but the two of them that they should be together.

If it weren't for the baby, maybe they would be...

Then again, I don't know. They probably would have found some other excuse to delay the inevitable.

I think she's still seeing the motorcycle guy now. I haven't asked anything since I gave her the advice to get back with him. It was too hard seeing her so upset... it got to me. I broke my rule and got involved.

She seems happier than ever now. On top of the world and all that... I'm happy for her.

Part of me is a tad envious of the fucker for getting to her first. Since Dean's out of the picture, I could have had a shot...

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