Chapter 9 - Black Eyes

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I look at myself in my mirror for the hundredth time. Is this dress okay? Is my hair perfect? Is my makeup smudged? 

I sigh at my reflection. Why do I care so much?

When Nathan asked, I mostly accepted so he would leave me alone to write. When I want to write I hate being interrupted and get very impatient. But I also was very thrown off by seeing him again. I never expected to after I left in the morning.

Since he left me at the table, I have replayed our night together many times in my head. It's all I can think about. He consoled me a lot after the party without doing or saying much. I just felt comfortable around him. It felt natural and easy. I didn't have to put up a front.

He also had an aura around him that intrigued me. Someone new and mysterious in my life might be just what I need right now. Some fun before I move.

I smooth my hands down over my dress. I settled on a casual black linen dress that works for wherever we may go for dinner. I hope it is close to here so I don't have to worry about paparazzi. They usually stay away from this area of town. Pictures of people at a cafe or restaurant around here don't sell as well.

I don't always get noticed by them, my parents aren't famous actors or anything, but local newspapers and magazines tend to print stories about my family. They really like to print the ones about me with men or me partying - they love a good "scandal". They always get the most unflattering pictures and then I always get scolded by my parents. I would really like to avoid that for the next few months.

I curl my hair into long waves and put a black cloth headband in to keep it out of my face.

I'm putting in a lot of effort for someone who has already seen me in much less but the thought of that just makes me more nervous. It's just dinner, Emily, calm down.

I grab my pink clutch and start walking towards the coffee shop.

It only takes 5 minutes to get there, not nearly enough time to mentally prepare myself for this. I'm more nervous than I should be.

As I walk up, I see Nathan's motorcycle in front and freeze for a second. Crap... I knew he had a motorcycle and I wore a dress like an idiot. How am I going to get on it or even be on it without flashing everyone we drive by?

I take a deep breath and push my thoughts down for now, walking up to him. He is facing away from me on the phone so I have a few more seconds to collect myself. He's wearing the same outfit as earlier and I feel better knowing I didn't overdress.

Once I'm in earshot I can hear his side of the conversation and I refrain from tapping his shoulder for a second so I can listen like the nosy person I am.

"Figure it out!" he half screams at the person on the other end.

He pauses listening. 

"A few hours. That should be more than enough time to get what we need."

Another pause.

"Just do it! I don't care if you don't want to!"

His tone is aggressive, nothing like the Nathan I met last weekend or earlier today. I wonder who he is yelling at and what he means. What does he need to get? 

"I swear to god..."

He seems so angry at whoever he is speaking to which makes me subconsciously take a step back.

My heel catches on a pebble and I stumble, almost falling over. "Shit," I swear to myself a little too loudly as I regain my balance. He whips around quickly at my voice and his eyes widen when he realizes I was behind him.

"Gotta go." he says abruptly and hangs up. He stares at me for a second with eyes so dark they could be black. I hate that his glare makes me squirm nervously.

"How long have you been there?" he asks harshly. 

There is no kindness in his face right now and I don't know how to react...

Author's note:

Shortish chapter - sorry! 

Who do you think Nathan is yelling at? And why?

Thanks for reading!!

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