Chapter 12 - Ink

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I'm awoken by birds chirping. I've always been a light sleeper, but at home I have sound proof windows so it is easier to sleep in. Before I even open my eyes, I can feel Nathan's leg draped over mine and his arms wrapped around my side, trapping me in the bed. I can feel his cheek on my shoulder as he breathes heavily against me.

Can't leave this time... I think jokingly to myself, but that was likely his intention.

I open my eyes and turn slightly to lift him onto his back and off of my chest and angle myself towards him carefully to not wake him. He stirs slightly and groans and I freeze, but he stays asleep and his hand underneath me tightens its grip on my waist.

I take the opportunity to stare at him. He looks different in this morning light. His skin looks more tanned than when I've seen him at night. He looks peaceful and relaxed as his chest rises and falls with his deep sleeping breathes. 

With my free hand I lightly trace over the black ink across his stomach. The outline of a small black wolf is over his heart on the left of his chest. It's simple, except for the eyes, which are so detailed they look almost human. To the right of his belly button are four birds flying. 

I wonder why he picked these images. I don't know him very well, but he does not seem like the type of guy to get random tattoos. What could they mean to him?

As I trace the last bird above the seam of his boxers, I feel his breathing change slightly. I look up to his face and his eyes are still shut, but his lips are turned up in a sly smile. I glide my hand up his toned torso and rest it on his forearm as I place my chin on his chest and stare up at him.

"Admiring the view?" he says softly, teasing me.

"Not at all." I lie.

His smile grows and his eyes open and glance down at me. In the morning light they no longer seem as dark, they are more of a hazel than brown now.

His right hand combs through my hair gently and down my bare back making my skin tingle.

"What time is it?" Nathan asks sleepily.

I unravel off him and bring the sheet up covering myself with my left hand while I reach for my phone on the night stand beside me with my right. I unplug my phone and glance at the time. 

10 am. Shit.

"Fuck!" I yell and sit right up, making Nathan jump beside me.

"Jesus Christ... what happened?" he asks me, now fully awake and alarmed.

I scramble out of bed and grab my clothes off the floor.

"I promised Jade I would meet her for coffee at 10:15 across town. Now I don't have time to go home first." I shake my head at myself for not setting an alarm last night. "Shit!" I yell out again. Nathan sits up against the headboard and watches me with irritating amusement. 

I throw my dress over my head and walk quickly to the bathroom to assess the damage to my hair and makeup. My hair is a bit frizzy and tangled, but not terrible. My makeup seems intact, making me thank my yesterday self for not wearing much, which would have smeared.

Nathan comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist nuzzling my neck.

"Are you sure you can't cancel on Jill?" he asks as he plants light kisses on my neck making me smile.

"Jade... and no. She is my best friend, she would know something is up and ask questions."

I watch him through the mirror silently and place my hands over his on my stomach. I lean into him and close my eyes, exhaling. One minute wouldn't hurt I guess. I'm already late.

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