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Evie's View:

"Alright class!" I clapped my hands together getting my kids attention.

"Today we'll be creating your projects for the Halloween festival! Everyone color your pumpkin and decorate however you like. Be creative!"

The kids immediately got to work coloring their pumpkin print outs and adding whatever they could glue onto it.

"Miss Love!"

"Yes, Vivi?" I approached the small girls table and squatted down to her size.

"My mommy told me to give you this!" She handed me an envelope.

"Oh.. well thank you Vivi" I gave her a smile and stood up walking over to my desk wondering what was in the envelope.

I sat down and began to open it.

It was a letter which was odd because normally their mother communicated by email.

Dear Miss Love,

I apologize for my lack of presence at the girls school activities, but as you probably know I'm a very busy person with an unpredictable schedule at times.

But please let it be known that I am concerned and interested in knowing how my daughters are doing for their first year.

I do believe we got off on the wrong foot and met on a day that wasn't the best for me. Allow me to apologize in person for my rudeness and also get up to date with what I missed at the first open house event. My daughters speak very fondly of you almost everyday. So, I'm interested to see what all the fuss is about for myself.

Contact my assistant with the email provided below so we can make arrangements for the meeting.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Valentina Clair.

She wrote me a letter.

I smiled at the comment about the girls speaking of me at home. It means I've made a good impression.

I looked over at their table and saw Nani looking back at me. She grinned a toothy smile and got back to working on her pumpkin.

The handwritten letter was special to me because it was personal. Emails were impersonal and strictly meant business most of the time.

Hopefully this letter and meeting meant that whatever little conflict the twins mom and I had would be forgotten.

I wanted to make a good impression on Valentina as well.

Show her I'm as great of a teacher as her girls likely make me out to be. That I did deserve my job and I sure as hell was damn good at it.

. . .

By Friday afternoon I was a bundle of nerves.

I had emailed Valentina's assistant that same day I received the letter and got a response confirming our meeting. It was today.

I adjusted the off the shoulder dress I wore and fluffed my hair looking in the restroom mirror.

Addie teased me all morning saying I was trying too hard to impress Nani and Vivi's mom. But this was important. Turns out she was a big donor to the prestigious school I worked at. One wrong move and this woman could possibly have me fired for accidentally letting her daughter's hair get frizzy.

I pulled my bag strap over my shoulder and walked out of the restroom heading towards the main desk.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" The woman asked.

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