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Valentina's POV:

I used the restroom as I needed to and walked out of the stall seeing that Evie and her play thing had left.

The look on Evie's face hurt me a little but I brushed it off like it was nothing. I hardly knew the woman so her feelings didn't necessarily mean anything to me.

Her weekend plans were also none of my business of course but it bothered me to have walked in on it. I could've gone my whole life without knowing that she got off in bathroom stalls in clubs.

I washed my hands and checked my makeup before making my way back out to rejoin my coworkers and friends.

. . .

By Monday Nani was over her little attitude charade. Likely because I did end up allowing her to go trick or treating.

Vivi was always a mommy's girl and hardly argued with me. So her and Nani were in a funk for a while too.

I walked in the school with my heels clicking beneath me and heads turning as I made my way to the front desk.

"Miss Clair, what can I do for you this afternoon?" The older lady asked.

"I'm here to speak with Miss Love during her lunch break. It's important and I don't have long" I stated.

"Um.. well it is her lunch break and—"

I cut her off with one of my stares. I didn't have to say anything when it came to them.

"Ya know what I'll just send you on your way. Here's a pass, room 120 just down the hall to your left" the woman rushed out nervously.

I gave her a fake smile and snatched the pass rolling my eyes behind my sunglasses.

My heels echoed through the empty halls since everyone was likely at the cafeteria.

I turned left down the hall and stopped outside of room 120. The door was closed and I was hoping it wasn't locked.

Grabbing the handle I yanked the door open and walked right in looking around the room spotting Evie at her desk putting away some papers.

She glanced up probably thinking it was another teacher and looked back down to her papers before her head snapped up again.

Evie stood from her desk, papers flying everywhere making me laugh a little.

This poor girl was a hot mess.

Her face turned red and she rushed to the floor picking up the papers trying to stack them on top of one another.

"How are you even a teacher?" I laughed again watching her scramble to get the papers.

The look on her face as she stood up reminded me of Halloween night when we saw each other in the restroom. Saddened and embarrassed.

I ignored it and sat down on the table across from her desk.

Evie visibly gulped and turned around placing the papers elsewhere.

"What do you want.." she said in a shaky voice.

I leaned back on my hands and watched her turn around crossing her arms trying to protect herself.

"Did you just come here to insult me some more?"

I frowned and sat up crossing my legs. "I came here to talk Miss Love. I want to be clear about your involvement with my children"

Evie furrowed her brows in confusion.

"I don't want another incident like Friday to ever happen again. I'm a busy woman as you and everyone else in this building should know by now. I don't get to choose my schedule.. and sometimes things come up. So I don't appreciate you trying to step in or saying things to upset my daughters"

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