thirty eight

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* music only necessary in 2nd half*
One month later...

Valentina's view:

I sat in the chair near Sophia's bed stroking her hair after I helped the nurse give her a sponge bath.

After winning custody of Sophia I was now able to stay the night here with her more often and our situation wasn't as complicated. So Evie was also able to stay here on opposite nights.

For a few nights she'd stay here while I was at home with the twins, and then we'd switch. Both of us taking turns while my moms helped us watch all three of our girls while we worked.

I had added Sophia onto my insurance so a lot of her bills were covered that way.

But it was still an expensive and lengthy stay that I couldn't not work. Not to mention gas was also expensive.

"You got this honey.. I know you're going to do great today. Mommy has faith in you," I whispered combing my fingers through Sophia's hair.

Today the doctor was going to take her off of the ventilator for a bit to see if after a month's worth of treatment, if she could stay breathing on her own. Meaning they were trying to wean her off of the ventilator slowly.

There was a small knock on the door before it opened and I glanced over my shoulder to see Evie.

"Hi babe," she said quietly shutting the door.

"Hey.. the doctor should be here any minute. So you didn't miss anything yet."

Evie nodded setting her purse down on another nearby chair and moved to the side of Sophia's bed to press a kiss to her forehead.

"I couldn't stop shaking the entire way here. I'm so nervous for her..." Evie breathed out as she sat down in my lap.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, rubbing my thumb against her hip.

"So am I.. I just hope everything goes well for her sake. I can't stand having her in here and not at home with us," I spoke quietly glancing at Sophia who lied still on the bed just as she has been.

After the custody hearing, Evie had been spending a lot of time at the penthouse.

Even on nights when I wasn't there.

She began to get more comfortable and feel at home which I loved. I wanted her to move in once she was ready, but I knew that might not be anytime soon.

"Speaking of home. I bought a new comforter for the bed, I felt like it was perfect for spring." Evie smiled brightly looking down at me.

I raised a brow trying to hold back my smirk but failed to.

"Might as well move in then at this point," I said boldly without fear.

Evie blushed looking away from me and crossed her legs over one another.

"We're getting married and you still act like you did when I first kissed you," I chuckled turning her head back to me.

"Because you still make me nervous," Evie replied in a whisper.

I grinned back at her and leaned in for a quick kiss. "Good to know I still have that affect on you. But did that blush mean you'd think about it?"

"About moving in with you?" Evie raised her brows questioningly.

I nodded my head as a yes.

"I don't know what there really is to think about. I mean like you said we're getting married.. —and I practically live there as it is now. If you're okay with it then.. yes. I'll move in with you," Evie said smiling sweetly.

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